
  • 网络green grapes
  1. 她又拿来乳酪和饼干,酒味冰淇淋,乔治亚李子和早熟的绿葡萄。

    She offered cheese and biscuits , rum-flavored ice cream , plums from Georgia , and early green grapes .

  2. 绿葡萄越绿,贪婪的猿吃绿葡萄蛋糕时就会越贪婪。它们太棒了!

    The greener green grapes are , the keener keen apes are to gobble green grape cakes . They 're great !

  3. 绿葡萄,味道也不一样。上面再放点松子。

    Green ones , different flavours , pine nuts on top .

  4. 重复摆放鲜果,另在顶端加一个绿葡萄。

    Repeat to add the fruit again , and put one green grape on top .

  5. 当新年钟声敲响,西班牙人会吃12颗绿葡萄代表12个月的好运。

    When midnight strikes to usher in a New Year , Spaniards eat 12 green grapes for 12 months of good luck .

  6. 田沟里,篱笆上,都生满了最美丽的紫葡萄和绿葡萄。树林里处处悬挂着柠檬和橙子。

    Here , on the hedges , and by the wayside , grew purple , green , and white grapes ; lemons and oranges hung from trees in the woods ; and the air was fragrant with myrtles and orange blossoms .

  7. 很多绿的葡萄和苹果吃起来是酸的。

    Most green grapes or apples taste .

  8. 砂石一种用来做磨石或石磨的粗而硬的砂石绿纤石-葡萄石-石英相

    A coarse hard sandstone used for making grindstones and millstones . pumpellyite-prehnite-quartz facies

  9. 琥珀绿的圆叶葡萄,产于美国南部。

    Amber-green muscadine grape of southeastern United States .