
  1. 长沙已成为湖南省核心旅游集散地和主要旅游目的地。

    Changsha , Hunan Province , has become the core of travel centers and major tourism destination .

  2. 分析了旅游集散地形象建设的重要性,并从视觉形象、居民形象、旅游服务形象、管理形象、节事活动、核心地段等方面对旅游集散地的形象塑造进行了阐述。

    The importance of image-building of tourism center is emphasized , which covers the image of sight , residents , tourism service , festivals , management and important sites .

  3. 从系统科学的角度出发,分析了旅游集散地的系统性和形成与演化过程,探讨了旅游集散地在旅游系统中的关系模型,以期对旅游集散地的发展有所裨益。

    This paper analyzes the formation and evolution of the systematic tourism distributing center , discusses the relations between tourism distributing center and destination and also tries to build the relation model of them in the hope of accelerating the development of the tourism distributing center .

  4. 从统计数据来看,古都是海内外旅游者的主要集散地和消费中心,因此它在我国旅游业发展之中发挥着十分重要的作用。

    According to the statistical data , ancient capital has become the main distributing center and consuming center of domestic and international tourists , so it is playing a more and more important role in the development of tourism in China .

  5. 当前,桂林正深入实施世界旅游城发展战略,要成为旅游服务集中地和国际旅游客源集散地。

    With the deep implementation of the Developing Strategy of World Tourism City , Guilin will be the tourism service center and international tourism visitors assembling center .

  6. 旅游中心地作为区域旅游的旅游目的地、客源供给地、旅游集散地和旅游服务中心,对区域旅游的发展有着至关重要的意义。

    Tourism central place play an important role in the development of regional tourism as the main tourism destination , tourist supply place , tourism distributing center and tourism service center .

  7. 广西民俗旅游发展战略布局可规划为:一条主线、三个中心、四条线路、五个旅游集散地、六个关键项目、七大旅游产品之格局。

    So , the folklore tourism strategic arrangement can be planed as this : one main line , three centers , four railways , five tourist faizs , six key programs and seven tourist products .

  8. 随着我国旅游业的不断发展,历史文化名城中文物古迹和风景名胜的价值被进一步发掘,整个名城也早已成为重要的旅游资源和旅游集散地。

    Along with tourism continuously developing , HISTORICAL CITY also have become the importance the resources and travel the commercial center .

  9. 在云南省旅游业蓬勃发展,各地区纷纷将旅游业作为支柱产业重点发展的今天,昆明市作为旅游目的地的功能在减弱,而作为旅游集散地的作用在加强。

    Tourism industry develops prosperously in Yunnan province , and each district has regarded the tourism as a backbone industry . Kunming 's function as a tourist destination has weakened , but its function as a tourist-distributing center is strengthening .

  10. 旅游开发依据独特的地理位置气候条件充分发掘自身的优势,依托地热火山、腾越文化等优势资源,把腾冲建成中国SPA康乐园,区域性国际旅游集散地。

    It develops its tourism by taking advantage of its special location , climate , and other resources such as terrestrial heat and local culture , and takes every effort to build itself into a " SPA Paradise " and a regional center of international tourism .