
  • 网络Travel Information;Tour
  1. 川东北的花样年华栾川旅游资讯

    Blossom age for the northeastern Sichuan Luan Chuan travel Express

  2. 孤独行星每年通过图书和网络,出版几千页有关中国的旅游资讯。

    Each year Lonely Planet publishes thousands of pages of travel content about China – in books and online .

  3. 利用AprioriMD算法,并根据用户在旅游资讯服务中的具体需求,本文构建了旅游服务智能推荐(TravelingServiceIntelligenceRecommendation,TSIR)系统。

    Using the Apriori_MD algorithm , and according to user 's in traveling information service concrete demand , this article has constructed the traveling service intelligence recommendation ( TSIR ) system .

  4. 请问,旅游资讯服务中心在哪?

    Excuse me , where 's the tourist information center ?

  5. 但是,在浩如烟海的互联网上人们想要获取想要的旅游资讯并不是一件很容易的事情。

    However , it is not an easy way to obtain the information needed from such an enormous Internet .

  6. 备有自助式厨房、线网路电脑、放式交谊厅、净床单枕套、气、尽旅游资讯、定期活动。

    Guest kitchen , wireless Internet , open space lounge , clean linens and pillowcases , A / C , information , fun activities .

  7. 眼花缭乱的旅游资讯轰炸,再加上更多平台上涌现出的高质量电视剧提供了灵感来源,这一潮流变得一发不可收拾。

    But today 's dizzying array of content seems to be making the trend go wild , with higher quality television series appearing on more platforms serving as inspiration .

  8. 本系统在旅行线路推荐的基础上,将旅游线路和相关的旅游资讯关联起来,游客通过本系统可以十分便捷的获取想要的旅游信息。

    On the base of the recommendation of the route , this system can combine the travelling routes with the related travel information , thus it can be relatively easier to get needed travel information .

  9. 同时,随着互联网的普及,人们越来越习惯于在出门旅游之前通过互联网了解一些旅游相关的资讯。

    Meanwhile , as the widespread of Internet , Internet is always used for searching information before going out .