
  1. 据上海春天旅行社宁波分社的杨先生表示,这对夫妇参与了一趟前往日本6天旅游的旅行团,安排他们在名古屋的东横INN住宿。

    Mr. Yang , with the Ningbo branch of Shanghai 's Spring Travel , said that the couple was part of a six-day group trip to Japan , which included a stay at Toyoko Inn in Nagoya .

  2. 段红(音译)是中国国际旅行社四川分社的一名工作人员。

    Duan Hong is an official from China International Travel Service Sichuan Branch .

  3. 中国国际旅行社网站上张家界分社的网页里已经有“潘多拉星球迷幻之旅”和“阿凡达悬浮山脉之旅”的内容。

    Tourists can join a " Magical tour to Avatar-Pandora " or a " Miracle tour to Avatar 's floating mountain ," the Zhangjiajie branch of the China International Travel Service Corp said on its Website .