
  1. 阶段优化反馈网络规划法及其在旅游业发展规划中的运用初探

    An abecedarian discussion of plan method of perfecting feedback network by stage and its application

  2. “十二五”旅游业发展规划是将我国旅游业培育成国民经济战略性支柱产业与人民群众更加满意的现代服务业的关键性规划。

    The twelfth five-year tourism development planning is a key to make tourism become both national pillar industry and satisfactory modern service industry for tourists and residents of China .

  3. 结合江西省上饶市旅游业发展规划,针对旅游产品特点,提出旅游业关系营销的中心是形成顾客友好。

    Based on the tourism development plan of Shangrao city , Jiangxi province , the article points out that the central point of relationship marketing is forming customer friendship .

  4. 柳州市鱼峰区传统产业及旅游业发展战略规划研究

    Research on Traditional Industries and Tourism Industry Strategic Programming in Yufeng District of Liuzhou City

  5. 本文基于桃江县旅游业发展总体规划课题,旅游环境规划子课题。目的之一是通过旅游区环境质量评价,尤其是旅游区地质环境质量评价,为桃花江美容旅游度假村选址提供科学依据。

    Based on the sub-program of environmental planning of the tourism development in Taojiang County , the paper aims to provide evidences for vacation village through environmental assessment , especially geological environmental assessment .

  6. 在对甘肃河西走廊酒泉市旅游业发展制定规划的过程中,认识观光农业对于形成普遍的旅游意识和开发旅游资源、完善旅游业结构具有特殊意义。

    During the process of making planning to the development of tourism of Jiuquan prefecture of the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province , the special importance of sightseeing agriculture for forming general tourism consciousness and developing tourism resources and perfect structure of tourism of the region have been noticed .

  7. 论述了市场、市场营销、企业营销环境分析、企业SWOT分析方法、我国旅游业发展、旅游规划演进;

    The concept of market , marketing , analysis of marketing environment , SWOT analysis of enterprise , tourism development of China and planning of tourism development were described .

  8. 试论广州市生态旅游业的发展与规划方向

    The Discuss of Guangzhou Ecotourism Development and Its Planning

  9. 作为指导旅游业发展的旅游规划,也是千篇一律、面面俱到、缺少预见性、针对性、指导性和可操作性。

    As a guide for tourism , but also follows the same pattern , exhaustive , lack of foresight , directiveness and maneuverability .

  10. 2010年正值上海旅游业十一五发展规划全面完成及十二五发展规划启动的关键时期,上海都市旅游发展也将进入新阶段。

    Shanghai 2010 , a time when tourism development plan of shanghai during the " Eleventh Five-year " fully completed and the key time of tourism development planning during the " Twelfth Five-year " to start in Shanghai , urban tourism development will enter a new stage .

  11. 全疆部分地州市相继开展了旅游资源普查和旅游业发展规划工作。

    Most prefecture of Xinjiang has carried on the investigation of tourism resources and planning of tourism industry development .

  12. 三类地区应提高政府管理水平,加快经济发展步伐,加强旅游产品的营销,提高旅游业发展的宏观规划及微观管理水平。

    For the third one , the government management level should be improved , and quicken the step of economic development , strengthen the marketing , enhanced the macroscopic plan and microcosmic management level of tourism development .

  13. 研究旅游业的经济效应,可以为旅游目的地制定旅游业发展规划及可持续发展提供理论依据。

    The research on economic effects of tourism is helpful to the destination in formulating tourism development planning , and will provide a theoretical basis to the sustainable development .

  14. 在实地考察研究之后,笔者对内蒙古多伦县旅游资源特征进行了比较细致的分析,对当地旅游业可持续发展规划要点进行了阐述,最后笔者对保护和合理开发利用旅游资源提出一些合理化建议。

    The author made detailed analysis on the features of tourism resources of Duolun County of Inner Mongolia discussed the main points of sustainable development planning of local tourism industries and proposed some suggestions on the protection & development of tourism resources .

  15. 温泉旅游地是我国重要的旅游地类型之一,《中国旅游业十二五发展规划纲要》和《国民旅游休闲纲要(2013&2020年)》都明确提出鼓励温泉旅游的发展。

    Hot Spring tourist is one of the important tourist resort types , it has clearly proposed the development of hot spring tourism by both of Outline of Chinese Tourism Industry during the Twelfth Five-Year Development Plan and Outline of National Tourism and Leisure ( 2013-2020 ) .

  16. 长寿是环重庆城市旅游度假带中的重要区域,如何进行市场营销策划从而重新打造长寿旅游成为长寿旅游业发展规划的重要内容。

    Longevity is an important part in Chongqing urban tourism . Having an effective marketing for longevity tourism becomes a significant job in longevity tourism development .

  17. 第三部分是专门对鱼峰区旅游业发展的研究,在鱼峰区旅游环境质量评价的基础上提出了旅游业发展的战略规划;

    The third one is specially to study the tourism industry in Yufeng district . Herein the author evaluates the tourism environmental quality of Yufeng district and brings forward the strategic programming for tourism development .

  18. 结论2002年陕西省入境旅游客源市场表现出旺盛的增长态势,但是要实现旅游业的可持续发展,还必须进行科学的市场研究,并加强政府对旅游业发展的规划指导。

    Conclusion Source-markets & terminal markets of Shaanxi all went up in 1999 . In order to achieve the sustainable tourism , scientific market investigation and government ′ s direction are needed .