
  1. 仅仅凭借旅游门票的收入很难完全支持体育场的日常运转,所以我们也会举办一些有吸引力的商业活动。

    " Tour ticket sales barely cover the daily running costs of the stadium , so we are making it more attractive for commercial events ," the spokesman said .

  2. 如今,自由行趋势的出现也给旅游门票分销市场带来可观的前景,然而旅游门票电子商务却发展缓慢,无法满足日益增长的旅游市场的需求。

    Today , the emergence of the free exercise of the trend also bring considerable travel ticket distribution market prospects , however , the slow development of e-commerce travel tickets is unable to meet the needs of the growing tourism market .

  3. 旅游景区门票价格上涨问题及其管理对策研究

    Research on the Problem of Entrance Ticket Management and the Advice

  4. 旅游景区门票价格调整分析

    An Analysis the Adjustment on Price of Tourism Scenic Spots

  5. 论桂林旅游景点门票设计及其旅游形象定位

    On the Admission Ticket Design and its Destination Image Position in Guilin Scenic Spots

  6. 国内旅游景区门票价格制定影响因素的实证研究

    A Demonstrative Study on the Influencing Factors of Fixing Admission Fees in Domestic Tourist Attractions

  7. 国内旅游景区门票价格上涨,成为近年来国内旅游的一个热点问题,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。

    The entrance fee of internal tourist attractions kept rising , drawing the attentions of all social circles , which became a hot topic of internal tourism these years .

  8. 试析旅游景区门票定价问题&基于垄断竞争和不完全信息下的经济学分析部门经济出现问题。

    Analysis of the Issue of the Price of Admissions of Tourist Attractions & Based on Economic Methods of Monopolistic Competition and Imperfect Information ; The economy has gotten the better of your department .

  9. 在我写那本书的时候,中国还实行着双重价格制,在机票、火车票、旅游景点门票等方面,外国人要比中国人付的多得多。

    At the time I published my book , there was still a dual pricing system whereby foreigners paid much more than Chinese for airline and train tickets , entry to tourist sites , and the like .

  10. 你甚至可以免费得到顶级旅游景点的门票。

    You might even get free tickets to top tourist attractions .

  11. 到2004至2005年间,各旅游风景区门票涨价的浪潮愈演愈烈。

    By the year 2004-2005 , the surf of entrance price in every scenic spot has become quite violent .

  12. 这一优惠计划覆盖了旅店住宿、餐饮、跟团旅游和景点门票,由企业资助提供折扣价。

    The scheme includes hotel accommodation , meals , guided tours and entry to attractions , with discounts funded by the industry .

  13. 瑞士信贷说,更重要的是,尽管门票价格下降,119个主要旅游景点的门票收入同比增长了25%,增幅高于去年的10.57%。

    More importantly , says the bank , admission revenues at the 119 major tourist sites jumped 25 % on-year , up from 10.57 % last year , despite the cut in prices .

  14. 周三英国文化部部长杰瑞米亨特将公布参与20.12%折价活动的场所,宣传国内度假。这一优惠计划覆盖了旅店住宿、餐饮、跟团旅游和景点门票,由企业资助提供折扣价。

    A new campaign offering 20.12 percent slashed off bills at participating venues will be unveiled by Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt on Wednesday to boost staycations . The scheme includes hotel accommodation , meals , guided tours and entry to attractions , with discounts funded by the industry .

  15. 根据《人民日报》此前的报道称,游客现在可在阿里巴巴旗下的阿里旅游上购买故宫门票。

    As reported previously by People 's Daily Online , tourists can buy tickets to the Forbidden City on Alitrip , a subsidiary of Alibaba .

  16. 导游资格证简称导游证,报考并获得了国家导游资格证后,进入旅游景点可以免门票,也可以在旅行社工作。

    Short guided tour certificate card , apply for and obtain a certificate after the national tour , free tickets to enter the tourist attractions can also be in the travel agency .

  17. 同时,景区应当设置能够唤起游客记忆的个性化旅游纪念品,达到门票收入和衍生品收入共同发展的目的(5)加大营销力度以吸引具有被动吸引动机的游客。

    Meanwhile , spot should sell some personalized souvenirs to arouse tourists memory , reached the goal that the ticket income developed along with the derivative income . ( 5 ) Increase marketing efforts to attract tourists with " event marketing " motivation .

  18. 旅游资源价值的二重性,使旅游景点门票价格一个普通的经济学问题变成一个两难选择课题。

    Tourism resource value has its dual character , which makes the price of admission tickets in scenic spots , a common problem of economics , turn into a difficult topic .