
lǚ chéng
  • journey;route;itinerary;transit;haul;peregrination
旅程 [lǚ chéng]
  • (1) [journey;itinerary;route]∶旅途;从一地到另一地的旅行路程

  • (2) [transit]∶人从生到死这段时间

  • 人生的旅程

旅程[lǚ chéng]
  1. 然而另一些人争辩说每个人的生命旅程中都有某种机会。

    While others argue that everybody will have some kind of opportunities along his life route .

  2. 而女人则开始了她孕育生命,充满创选和艰险的旅程。

    For the woman , she has started pregnancy , filled with creating and hardships and dangerous route .

  3. 旅程花去了她半个多小时。

    The journey took her the better part of an hour .

  4. 剩下的旅程他们没再受到阻碍。

    They were able to complete their journey without further hindrance .

  5. 我们走了和你相似的旅程,但方向相反。

    We did a similar trip to you , but in reverse .

  6. 这段旅程将会是极其危险的。

    The journey would be dangerous in the extreme .

  7. 人们常把人生比作旅程。

    Life is often likened to a journey .

  8. 这段旅程通常需要多长时间?

    How long does the journey usually take ?

  9. 旅程为乘一夜长途汽车去柏林。

    Travel is by coach overnight to Berlin .

  10. 这个旅程令人疲惫不堪,要是能回家就好了。

    The trip has been exhausting and I 'll be glad to be home .

  11. 旅程时间为两个小时。

    The journey time is two hours .

  12. 旅程大约花了七个小时。

    The journey took approximately seven hours .

  13. 旅程被延长,其他几项活动也被包括进来。

    The trip has been extended to include a few other events

  14. 库克先生漫长旅程中的最后一站是巴黎。

    The last stop in Mr Cook 's lengthy tour was Paris

  15. 在那些漫长的旅程中我们没有别的事情可做。

    We had nothing else to do on those long trips

  16. 几小时以后她便抽出身来重新开始西行的旅程。

    Within hours , she was free to resume her journey westward .

  17. 你应该考虑将旅程分为几段,中途在机场旅馆稍作停留。

    You should consider breaking the journey with intermediate stopovers at airport hotels .

  18. 经过那趟旅程之后,你看上去真是累坏了。

    You looked half dead after that journey

  19. 飞行旅程让瑞安筋疲力尽,他双腿颤抖着走出来寻找克拉克。

    Ryan was exhausted by the flight and walked off with wobbly legs to find Clark .

  20. 我们希望所有成员都能够负责地开始这次旅程,做到心中有数。

    We want all our members to undertake this trip responsibly , with their eyes open .

  21. 坐在开往滑铁卢的火车上,我觉得自己好像正踏上一趟冒险旅程。

    On the train up to Waterloo , I felt like I was going on an adventure .

  22. 这辆车单靠一箱燃料无法跑完整趟旅程。

    The vehicle would not have the capacity to make the journey on one tank of fuel .

  23. 这次的旅程很短,只有上山的四五英里路。

    This time the journey was short , a matter of four or five miles up into the hills .

  24. 6名探险家都完成了穿越沙漠的艰难旅程。

    All the 6 adventurers survived the arduous journey through the desert .

  25. 无奈流浪的旅程,让悲伤增添愁苦哀戚的伤痕。

    The wandering tour saddens the days with sorrow .

  26. 平步青云的事业旅程下,却是戈德利先生暗潮汹涌的苦难人生。

    On the face of it , this was not a turbulent life .

  27. 也许听起来很简单,但正如格雷教授所说,“要是我到某个地方旅行,我喜欢这样的想法,那就是旅程结束时的感觉比开始时更好。”

    That may sound simple , but as Prof. Gray says , " When I travel somewhere I like this notion that when I finish my journey I feel better than when I started it . "

  28. Leah会给你什么建议,让你在人生旅程中前进呢?

    What advice would Leah give you to move you ahead on your journey ?

  29. 这是旅程中最危险的部分。

    It was the most dangerous part of the journey .

  30. 这次漫长的旅程充满令人不适的艰辛,却带来了出人意料的恢复效果。

    This was a long journey of unaccustomed hardship and surprising recovery .