
  1. 旅游包车车型,驾驶员证件,车辆证件等。

    Tour charter models , the driver certificate , certificate vehicles .

  2. 车辆证件齐全(无黑车),为正规旅游包车车辆。

    Vehicle identification ( no black car ), complete for regular tour charter vehicles .

  3. 公司主要经营各种中,高档汽车的旅游包车,线路包车及相关服务。

    The company mainly engaged in all kinds of high-grade cars travel chartered , line hire and related services .

  4. 这些措施包括暂停所有长途客车和旅游包车服务,对全市所有居民区和村庄实行封闭管理。

    The measures include suspending all coach and tourist charter bus services and applying closed-off management to all the city 's residential communities and villages .