
  • 网络drum dryer
  1. 滚筒式烘干机可以把东西烘得极干。

    A tumble drier gets things bone dry .

  2. 家务万能的鲜绿色网球不仅能去除滚筒式烘干机里的静电,还能在清洗泳池的同时消除静电。

    From getting rid of static in the tumble dryer , to cleaning the pool and removing static , the bright green balls are remarkably versatile .

  3. 休伊特位于西约克郡哈德斯菲尔德的住宅处的前邻居描述了他的省钱秘籍,比如在他的三轮汽车“依赖罗宾”里面读报,这样就不用开房间的灯了,或者就算穿湿衣服也不用滚筒式烘干机。

    Former neighbours of Mr Hewitt 's in Huddersfield , West Yorks . , told how he used to save money by reading the paper in his Reliant Robin so he didn 't have to turn on the light in his house , and wore his clothes wet rather than using his tumble dryer .

  4. 为了应对时间不足,女性转而求助于许多节省时间的设备。26%的女性购买熟食,47%的女性依赖洗碗机或滚筒式烘干机,55%的女性只要看到任何能够有助于提速的活动都会动心,这样她们能有更多时间来做其他事情。

    To cope with a lack of hours women turn to a whole host of time-saving devices with 26 percent buying ready meals ; 47 percent rely on a dishwasher or tumble dryer ; 55 percent are tempted by any activity that could be fast tracked or sped up to give them more time to do other things .

  5. 四重滚筒式牧草烘干机控制系统应用研究

    Application research on four-fold rotary hay dryer control system