
  • 网络ro-ro;Roll-on/roll-off;Rolling Transport
  1. 由于滚装运输是由公路货物运输分流而来,故采用公路货运量的数据进行的预测。

    As ro-ro cargo transportation by road transport is diverted from , so the use of road freight traffic forecast data .

  2. 龙滩电站水库建成后,将在贵州境内形成常年深水航道,可航行上千吨船舶,使滚装运输成为可能。

    Longtan Hydropower Station building of the reservoir will be formed within the year in Guizhou deep channel , the ship can sail thousands of tons , making it possible ro-ro transport .

  3. 国内商品汽车滚装运输研究

    Research on Domestic Transportation of Automobile with Ro-Ro Model

  4. 红水河连续翻坝滚装运输需求和要素研究

    Study the Roll on Transport Needs and Factors Faced by Hongshui River Continuous Dam

  5. 大连港大港区滚装运输发展规划研究

    Research on the Planning and Developing of Ro / Ro for Dalian Port Dagang Area

  6. 详细分析了滚装运输的特点及我国不同地区滚装运输的兴起和发展,对存在的问题进行了概括的分析。

    The writer analyses the problem existing in the market of roll-on roll-off transport at present .

  7. 本文首先从理论上对滚装运输的客货量进行定量分析研究。

    The paper carries out a quantitative analysis on the passanger cargo capacity of the ro ro transportation .

  8. 随着我国汽车产业的迅猛发展,我国商品汽车滚装运输已呈现出良好的发展前景。

    With the rapid development of automobile industry in China , commercial automobile ro / ro traffic has appeared a good development prospect .

  9. 文章通过具体的实例进行计算研究,即大连造船重工600t182m造船龙门起重机滚装运输工程。

    The article carries on the research calculation through a concrete example . It is shipbuilding dragon gate derrick transport engineering of Dalian shipbuilding heavy work group .

  10. 本研究从川江滚装运输的兴起入手,调查研究了滚装运输的发展阶段及其在各个阶段的特征。

    At first , the author investigates the rise and the characters of different the stages of the roll-on roll-off transport in three Gorges of Changjiang River .

  11. 交通部进一步规范川江及三峡库区载货汽车滚装运输市场

    The MOC further regulates the Ro / Ro transportation market of vehicles with cargoes in the Sichuan section of the Yangtze River and the Three Gorges Reservoir areas

  12. 然后对我国发展汽车滚装运输的可行性进行了分析,并针对主要汽车生产商找出水运具有优势的区域。

    Thirdly , this thesis analyzes the feasibility of developing this transportation in our country , and finds out the districts where water carriage has advantage aiming to main automobile producers .

  13. 本文在概述了国外滚装运输的发展状况后,回顾了我国滚装运输的发展历程。

    In the thesis the author summaries the state of roll-on roll-off transport in foreign and in our country and reviews the history of this kind of transportation in our country .

  14. 为了加强渤海湾滚装运输的安全,提出了一种全新的滚装船甩挂运输的运输方式,探讨了滚装船甩挂运输的运输组织形式。

    In order to improve ferrying transport safety in Bohai Gulf , a totally new transport method known as Drop and Pull Transport is introduced , its transport organization form is discussed .

  15. 在此背景下,汽车出口物流得到机会开始蓬勃发展,而汽车滚装运输方式在整车出口中占据了80%以上的份额。

    In this context , automobile export logistics will get the opportunity to develop quickly , while the automobile ro-ro transport in vehicle exports accounted for more than 80 % of the share .

  16. 接着根据所确定的水运优势区域和生产商的未来生产规划,确定未来滚装运输的数量,从而提出船队未来的发展规模。

    Then according to decided districts and the future production regulation of main automobile producers , this thesis calculates future volume of roll-on roll-off transportation , and comes up with the scale of future fleets .

  17. 随着国际集装箱运输的发展,世界各国开始采用滚装运输方式组织集装箱运输,逐渐形成了一种新颖的集装箱滚装运输工艺。

    With the development of international containerized transport , the countries all over the world have begun to adopt ro-ro transport to organize the containerized transport , which gradually forms a new kind container roll transporting craft .

  18. 通过长江三峡通航管理局对加强滚装船安全管理的探索,提出促进滚装运输健康发展的建议。

    Based on the probe on strengthening management on safety of roll - on roll - off service , the Changjiang Three - Gorges Navigation Administration Bureau gives some suggestions on promoting healthy development of roll - on roll - off service .

  19. 滚装客船运输安全综合评价

    Synthetical Evaluation for Security Transport of Ro-Ro Passenger Ship

  20. 本文在广泛深入调查分析的基础上,提出一种新型综合运输系统方案,即海陆客货滚装无缝运输系统。

    This dissertation puts forward a new concept of comprehensive transportation : sea-land ro-pax vessels seamless transportation , which is based on the comprehensive investigations and analysis .

  21. 伴随商品车滚装船运输市场的蓬勃发展,船舶持续大型化,可以预见多层的商品车滚装船进行多挂靠港的运输会变得越来越普及,对滚装汽车整车运输的需求也会越来越旺盛。

    With the development of auto transportation market and large-scale ships , it will become more and more popular that multi-port commodity car ro-ro ship with multilayer .