
  • 网络China Shipowners' Association;China Shipowners’ Association
  1. 关注液化石油气水运市场&中国船东协会液化气运输专业委员会2005年年会综述

    LPG Water Transportation Market & Annual conference of the China Shipowners ' Association LPG Transportation Committee

  2. 将有可能使许多航运企业亏损甚至倒闭,中国船东协会在近期一份声明中表示。

    It will probably drive many shipping companies to lose money or even shut down , the association said in a recent statement .

  3. 然而中国船东协会一直在大力游说禁止大型船舶停靠中国港口,辩称它们的到来将加剧航运业运能过剩。

    However , the CSA has lobbied hard for the large vessels to be barred from Chinese ports and argues they will exacerbate overcapacity in the shipping industry .

  4. 他还为波罗的海国际海事委员会,日本航运交易所,新加坡海事协会和中国船东保赔协会教授课程。

    He also conducted courses for BIMCO , Japan Shipping Exchange , Singapore Shipping Association and China P & I Club .