
  1. 论云南建设绿色经济强省及其机遇与对策

    On the Establishment of Yunnan Green Economic Strong Province and the Opportunities and Countermeasures

  2. 科技创新与建设云南绿色经济强省

    Scientific Innovation and the Construction of Yunnan into a Strong Province of Green Economy

  3. 生物资源的产业化开发与创新是建设绿色经济强省的关键和核心

    Industrialize Development and Innovation of Biological Resource Is key and Core of Building Strong Province of Green Economy

  4. 建设绿色经济强省,首先必须成为绿色贸易强省;

    To be a powerful province in green economy , Yunnan must first of all become a powerful province in green trade .

  5. 云南提出创建绿色经济强省的目标,是新世纪云南发展战略的必然选择。

    The goal put forward by Yunnan to establish the green economic province is the inevitable choice of Yunnan developing strategy in the new century .

  6. 云南是著名的花卉生产基地,干花原材料丰富,且太阳辐照强,利用太阳能技术发展干花产业有利于我省绿色经济强省的建设。

    Yunnan Province is abundant in fresh flowers and solar radiation , so using the solar drying technology to develop dried flower industry will improve our economic construction .

  7. 作者通过分析发现,亚麻产业可以发展成为云南省实施绿色经济强省建设中的一个新兴的优势产业。

    The finding by analysis is that the flax industry will be growth up to be a mainstay industry in the courses of Green Economy Promising Province Establishment .

  8. 本文认为云南省提出的建设绿色经济强省的设想和规划是云南改革开放和现代化建设迈向新的重要历史时期的重大战略抉择。

    This paper believes that the conception and plan that Yunnan province has put forward for province wide work on a green economy is an important strategic choice .

  9. 本文从建成云南绿色经济强省战略上阐述生物谷区域经济模式对云南省生态经济可持续发展的深远意义和普遍指导作用。

    This paper , based on the strategy of establishing green economy in Yunnan , elaborates the significance of establishing Yunnan 's biological valley for ecological economy sustainable in the province in terms of universal guidance within the region .

  10. 恢复生态是西部大开发的主题之一,农村沼气发展正好体现这一主题,同时与云南省建设绿色经济强省的发展思路相适应。

    Environmental restoration is a major theme of western development initiative and biogas development in rural areas can fully represent the theme , which is also in agreement with the development speculation of building a promising province with environment-friendly economy in Yunnan .

  11. 十二五期间,随着云南建设绿色经济强省、民族文化强省和中国面向西南开放的桥头堡战略的实施,云南包装印刷产业将迎来巨大的发展空间。

    During the 12th five-year plan , Yunnan packing printing industry will meet the great opportunities of development following the implementation of construction of green economic powerful province and nationality cultural powerful province and implementation of the forward position strategy for opening up the country towards southwest .

  12. 本文对云南建设绿色经济强省的主要内容、内涵是实现产业发展与生态建设的统一及其模式与重点、战略目标、支撑和保障体系等方面作了详细的阐述和意见,以求加快建设的步伐。

    This article gives a detailed discussion and comments on the major content and connotation of constructing strong green province , the modes and focuses of industry develoment and ecological construction integrity , the strategic target selection and support and security system of strong green economic province construction .

  13. 要实现建设绿色经济强省、民族文化强省和中国面向西南开放的桥头堡这三大经济社会发展目标,就必须协调解决好经济增长与就业的关系问题。

    To achieve the " build a green economy strong province , national culture and the Chinese province of Southwest and opening for the bridgehead ," the three major economic and social development goals , we must coordinate to resolve the relationship between economic growth and the unemployment problem .

  14. 发展绿色产业、建设绿色经济强省是云南省落实国家西部大开发战略,结合云南省情提出的新的经济发展战略思路。

    According to its actual situation , Yunnan province puts forward the goal to develop green industry and establish a green economic province in the great western development of China .

  15. 我们必须深刻认识这一变化,从实现可持续发展的战略高度出发,切实加强科技进步与创新,树立绿色观念、开发绿色资源、做大做强绿色产业,大力发展绿色经济,推进云南绿色经济强省建设。

    With a good understanding of this new development , we should aim at sustainable development from the strategic perspective , strengthen scientific and technological innovation , and quicken the development of Yunnan 's green economy in order to build Yunnan into a strong province of green economy .