
  1. RIS的诱发条件和因素十分复杂,其中有些与地壳的内动力地质作用有关,也有一些与地表的外动力地质作用关系密切。

    The inducing conditions and factors of RIS are very complicated , some of which are connected with endogenic geological process of the crust , and others closely related to exogenic process .

  2. 油藏开发流体动力地质作用对储集层的改造

    Reconstruction of hydrodynamic geology effect of reservoir development on reservoir

  3. 洪灾是由洪水引发的,但洪水并不等于洪灾,由暴雨发展为洪水、洪灾是一种外动力地质作用过程。

    Flood disaster is caused by floodwater , but floodwater is not equal to flood disaster . The form of flood disaster is an outer dynamic geological process .

  4. 输入系统包括内动力地质作用子系统、外动力地质作用子系统、地域环境子系统,输出系统包括成景地层子系统和旅游地学景观子系统。

    The input sub-system includes the endogenic geological process and exogenic geological process subsystem , geographical environment subsystem . The output sub-system includes the stratum subsystem of scene formation and the tourism geosciences landscapes subsystem .

  5. 地质灾害是地壳内动力地质作用及岩石圈表层在大气圈、水圈、生物圈相互作用和影响之下,使人类生命及财产遭受损失的一种灾害现象。

    Geological calamity which is interacted and influenced by the earth 's crust power geologic process , lithosphere top layer enclose in the atmosphere , under water enclosing and biosphere , makes human life and property suffer a kind of calamity phenomenon of losses .

  6. 研究结果表明,油藏开发流体对储层渗透率的改造作用最大,对孔隙度的影响较小,油藏开发流体的动力地质作用是导致储层宏观参数变化的主因。

    The research result shows that the development liquid has a great effect on permeability of reservoir while it has no effect on the porosity of reservoir . The dynamic geological process is the main factor resulting in the change of macro parameters of reservoir .

  7. 月球的q、μn′变化不大是因漫长的化学停滞作用造成的,是缺乏内外动力地质联合作用的结果;

    The changes in q and μ′ _n on the moon are not so great , which is caused by the very long chemical stagnation and by lacking the combined geological functions of inner and outer powers .

  8. 地球在漫长发展演化过程中,q、μn′的变化规律是内外动力地质联合作用的结果,是导致地球分异的动力;

    In the very long process of the development and evolution of the earth , the laws of changes in q and μ′ _n are the results of the combined geological functions of inner and outer powers , and are the power leading to the earth 's differentiation .

  9. 在地球演化的漫长地质历史时期,由于内外动力的地质作用,形成、发展并遗留下来的珍贵的、不可再生的地质自然遗产。

    During the long geological historical period of earth evolution , with the geological function of internal and external power , the precious and non-renewable geological natural heritage was formed and developed .

  10. 地质作用是在动力的作用下产生的,地质作用的动力对地质作用的过程和规律起着控制的作用。

    Motive forces can result in geological action and control its process and law .

  11. 河谷岸坡的变形与破坏是地球内外动力耦合作用的结果,并且每一种动力地质作用对于岸坡变形失稳的贡献程度不同,造成岸坡变形破坏频率和规模的空间差异。

    It is a rather well-known fact that bank-slope deformation and failure result from the coupling of Earth 's endogenic and exogenic geological processes , in which different dynamic-force factor has a different correlation to the evolution of bank-slope .