
  • 网络seville;Sevier;Xavier
  1. 精彩对白:大卫•塞维尔(三个花栗鼠正在唱《FunkyTown》):嗨,伙计们,别唱了,现在是凌晨三点。

    David Seville : [ the boys are singing Funky Town ] Hey guys , knock it off . It 's 3 in the morning .

  2. 玛丽亚:塞维尔。知道那个地方吗?

    MARIA : Seville . Do you know it ?

  3. 特别感谢陆军少将威廉斯,众议院议员塞维尔、扎克利、卡拉娜,

    I want to recognize Major General Williams ; Congresswoman Sewell ; Zachary ;

  4. 塞维尔个非常令人愉快的工作地点。

    Sevilie is a Velt pleasant place to work .

  5. 第一幕在塞维尔的一间香烟工厂旁,士兵们对路过的市民评头论足。

    Act I In Seville by a cigarette factory , soldiers comment on the townspeople .

  6. 他从塞维尔罗来这里。

    He comes hither from Savile row .

  7. 不幸的是,佛罗里达州和犹他州法院都认为塞维尔的理由不充分。

    Unfortunately for Mr Sevier , the courts in Florida and Utah , found his legal arguments unpersuasive .

  8. 艾尔文(猛地拿起葡萄干,吃起来):呣,好吃。大卫•塞维尔:好吧。

    Alvin : [ swipes the ' raisin ' and eats it ] Mmm-hmm. David Seville : Okay .

  9. 大卫•塞维尔(看到西奥多在吃一个小小的棕色东西):哦,西奥多,你是不是在——?

    David Seville : [ sees Theodore eating something small and brown ] Woah Theodore , did you just - ?

  10. 塞维尔要为自己和他的机器伴侣索要一个结婚证书,但是被拒绝了。

    Mr Sevier apparently sought a marriage licence for himself and his machine spouse , but for some reason was denied .

  11. 塞维尔要为自己和他的机器伴侣索要一个结婚许可,但是被拒绝了。

    Mr Sevier apparently sought a marriage licence for himself and his " machine spouse , " but for some reason was denied .

  12. 大卫•塞维尔:他们正在储蓄债券,这样7年后你就能得到足够多的钱去买一些东西了。

    David Seville : They 're savings bonds . In seven years you will get enough money from them to buy something nice .

  13. 工厂的午休铃声响起,塞维尔的男人们聚在一起欣赏休息的工厂女工,尤其是他们最喜欢的吉普赛女郎卡门。

    The factory bell rings and the men of Seville gather to watch the female workers & especially their favorite , the gypsy Carmen .

  14. 这名男子名为塞维尔,他描述自己当过军法检察官,是个退伍老兵。他不仅在佛罗里达州上过诉,在犹他州也做过同样的事情。

    Mr Sevier , who describes himself as a former judge advocate and combat veteran , is persistent , filing claims not only in Florida but also Utah .

  15. 曾结过两次婚的约翰·塞维尔--田纳西州的第一位州长,生了18个孩子,他长期的仇敌,约翰·提普敦也结过两次婚并有17个孩子。

    Twice married John Sevier , the first governor of Tennessee , fathered eighteen ; his longtime enemy , John Tipton , also twice married , produced seventeen .

  16. 这名男子名为塞维尔,他表示自己当过军法检察官,是个退伍老兵。他不仅在佛罗里达州上过诉,在犹他州也做过同样的事情。

    Mr Sevier , who describes himself as " a former judge advocate and combat veteran , " is persistent , filing claims not only in Florida but also Utah .

  17. 他递交给犹他州法院的上诉状长达50页,诉状中表达了他对联邦法院同性恋结婚法案的质疑。塞维尔称允许同性结婚却不允许我和电脑结婚,是一种歧视。

    The Utah claim , which in reality is an attempt to throw a spanner in the works of a gay marriage case in the federal court , runs to 50 pages . Mr Sevier argues that allowing gays to marry but denying him the same right amounts to discrimination .