
  • 网络commercial type of mineral deposit
  1. 我国铀矿分类习惯于按赋矿围岩而划分,火山岩型铀矿是我国目前已探明的主要铀矿床工业类型之一。

    Volcanic type uranium deposit is one of main industrial types of uranium deposits which are discovered in China .

  2. 大理岩型红宝石矿床是变质红宝石矿床的重要工业类型,是目前世界上优质饰用红宝石的主要来源。

    The ruby deposit of marble type is an important industrial type of metamorphic ruby deposit and the predominant source of high quality decoration ruby in the world today .

  3. 鸡冠嘴矿床为铜、金、铁、硫共生的夕卡岩型矿床,矿石工业类型复杂。

    The Jiguanzui deposit belongs to the skarn-type deposit with association of copper , gold , iron and sulphur , its ore industry type is very complicated .