
  • 网络Mineral mud;Ghassoul
  1. 主要成份:乳木果、姜油、矿物泥、氨基酸、海泉精华。

    Ingredient : Shea butter , ginger oil and mineral mud etc.

  2. 温泉矿物泥抗皮肤衰老作用的实验研究

    Protection against Skin Senility by Hot Spring Mineral Putty

  3. 舟山新木姜子苗木分级及不同密度试验主要成份:乳木果、姜油、矿物泥、氨基酸、海泉精华。

    Seedling Grading and Experiment on Seedling Cultivation with Different Density of Neolitsea sericea Ingredient : Shea butter , ginger oil and mineral mud etc.

  4. 该法适用于测试酸性、碱性、中性的纯粘土矿物、泥页岩和油气层砂岩中粘土的阳离子交换容量。

    In comparative determinations of clay cation exchange capacities by this and another methods , a lot of standard reference materials , clay minerals and clay-containing shale and oily sandstone are tested .

  5. 根据矿物成份对泥化夹层成因进行了分析,根据化学成份运用巴尔特岩石计算法分析了泥化夹层的成因,为兰营边坡稳定性分析提供了依据。

    Genesis of the argillated interbeds is discussed on the basis of mineral composition and chemical composition which provides scientific basis for analysis of the slope stability .

  6. 青海某大型铜矿,由于矿石有用组分多,共生关系复杂,铜的嵌布粒度很细,且脉石矿物多易于泥化,属难选矿。

    The ores in a large copper in Qinghai were refractory ores due to many useful components of ores , complex associated relations , fine disseminated size of copper and many gangue minerals that were easy to be slimed .

  7. 求岩石矿物成分百分比及泥质含量。

    Obtain the percentage of mineral components and shale content .

  8. 粘土矿物的含量和分布形式、导电矿物的存在和泥质的附加导电能力是造成研究区油层低电阻率的次要因素,对储层电阻率的影响不大。

    The content and distributing format of clay mineral , the exist of conductive mineral and append-conducting power of mud act as the subordinate factors for low resistivity oil layers , which affects little for the rock electrical resistivity .