
  1. 中国南水北调项目的可行性探讨

    A feasibility study of the Yangtze River diversion project in China

  2. 中国南水北调工程

    South-to-North Water Transfer project of China

  3. 中国的南水北调工程,如果全部实施,每年可从长江流域调水400-500亿m3到华北平原,以缓解华北地区的3-3.25亿人的水短缺问题。

    The Yangtze River diversion project , or the south-to-north water transfers project , if completed , will enable 40-50 billion m3 of waters to be annually transferred from the Yangtze to the north of China , thus solving the water shortage problems for 300-325 million people .

  4. 中国加速南水北调建设工程。

    Construction on water diversion project to accelerate .

  5. 为了帮助向干旱的北方供水,去年中国启用南水北调引水项目,将长江流域的水引流至首都。

    To help hydrate the arid north , China last year inaugurated the South-North Water Diversion project that draws supplies from the Yangtze Basin to the capital .

  6. 在中国,像南水北调这样的工程项目只能推迟算总帐的日子。

    In China , projects like the South-North Water Diversion Project just delay the day of reckoning .

  7. 这场干旱不仅摧毁庄稼,威胁野生动物,还使得中国那浩大的南水北调工程的可行性面临质疑。

    The drought is damaging crops , threatening wildlife and raising doubts about the viability of China 's massive water diversion ambitions .

  8. 新华社称,面对北方日益增长的水资源需求,中国正在加速进行南水北调大型工程。

    Faced with growing water demands from the country 's parched north , China is speeding up work on its massive south-to-north diversion project , Xinhua said .