
  • 网络China Education Television;China Educational Television;cetv;China Education Television Station
  1. 根据各地的不同情况,教育部现已审查通过了三套小学英语教材,配套的电视节目也已于九月三日在中国教育电视台正式开播。

    Up to now the ministry of education has approved three sets of primary school textbooks accompanying television programs have been broadcast on CETV since September3rd .

  2. 康宁:现任中国教育电视台台长,研究员。

    Kang Ning : President of China Education Television and research professor .

  3. 中国教育电视台的卫星远程教育传输平台

    Satellite Transmission Platform for Distance Learning in China Educational Television Station

  4. 中国教育电视台《第一观察》栏目与中国环境管理干部学院联合主办的《可持续发展与环境教育》节目于10月17日播出。

    Leaderette : The program Sustainable Development and Environmental Education , hosted by the column Insight of China Educational Television and Environmental Management College of China , was broadcast on Oct.17th , Maurice F.

  5. 然而在传播媒体市场激烈竞争和传媒环境剧变下,中国各级教育电视台基于体制目前尚无法打破因而面临种种现实困境。

    However , in the furious media market and upheaval communication environment , the China education televisions are facing plight owning to the unbreakable system .