
  1. 分析了兴建南水北调工程的缘由以及50载漫漫规划路,揭示了该项工程的兴建任重而道远,假以时日,工程的竣工必将谱写中国水利史的新篇章。

    This paper analyzes the causes of the project of South Water Transferring to the North and its 50 years ' planning history , proclaims that the project shoulder heavy responsibility , and one day its accomplishment will write a new page in Chinese water conservancy history .

  2. 丹江口水利枢纽工程是新中国水利建设史上的一大壮举,涉及水库淹没区移民38万人。

    The Danjiangkou Water Conservancy Hinge Project was a great exploit in China 's history , involving migration of 380,000 local people who used to live where the reservoir is now located .

  3. 论淤灌是中国农田水利发展史上的第一个重要阶段

    On Warping Irrigation Being the First Important Stage in the History of China 's Farmland Water Conservancy

  4. 作为新中国成立后水利发展史上第一个标志性的建设,新安江水电站在繁荣当地经济方面扮演了主要角色,并将继续发挥其重要作用,同时为发展水利事业、建设水电站和帮助人民安居乐业树立了很好的榜样。

    As the first landmark in hydropower development in new China , it has played and is still playing a major role in fueling the local economy , while acting as an ex - ample for hydropower development , station management , and resettlement of people in reservoir areas .