
  1. 王国维是中国近代学术史上的大师,但他对教育领域的贡献,过去却鲜有人提及。

    Wang Guowei was the great master in modern Chinese academic history . Wang Guowei 's pioneering contributions to the educational field is known to few people .

  2. 因此,研究左宗棠的学术思想,不仅对研究中国近代学术史,而且对把握近代中国社会的政治、经济,具有历史和现实的重要意义。

    Therefore , studying the academic thought of Zuo Zong-tang has profound historical and practical significance in both researching the academic history of modern China and grasping the politics and economy of modern Chinese society .

  3. 以中国近代学术史为背景,通过揭示学科规训本土化与中国传统学术的互动与发展,可以窥见近代中国学术转型的进程及其特征。

    Under the view of Chinese traditional systematic learning history , this paper revealed the interaction and development of disciplinarity and China 's traditional systematic learning , discussed the process and character of China 's systematic learning 's transition .

  4. 近代佛教史学从一个侧面反映了中国史学和佛学走向现代化的途径与特点,是研究中国近代史学史和学术史的一个较好的切入点。

    Modern historical science of Buddhism sheds light from sideways on the approaches and characteristics of the modernization of historical science ana Buddhist learning in China . It is also a good start-point to view the Chinese modern historiography as well as the academic history .