
  • 网络Tianmen Cave
  1. 翼装飞行穿越天门洞将是一次书写人类飞翔历史的新传奇,也将是一次全球极限运动的新创举。

    Wing outfit flight through Tianmen Hole will be a new legend of human fly history and a new creation of global extreme sports as well .

  2. 年,法国冒险家、蜘蛛人阿兰·罗伯特,在天门山进行了其冒险生涯中风险最大的一次挑战,徒手无保护攀爬天门洞百米岩壁成功,上演了一场令人惊叹的“绝壁芭蕾”。

    In2007 , french adventurer spiderman Alan Robert took one of his biggest risky challenge to climb the cliff of the Hole without protection , performed a rock success as an amazing a precipice ballet .