
zhōnɡ xiǎo xué xiào zhǎnɡ
  • principal;schoolmaster
  1. PBL与中小学校长培训

    PBL and the principal training

  2. 分析了开展现代中小学校长培训的意义;

    Analyzed to open to emerge a meaning of principal training ;

  3. adj.首要的。n.中小学校长芝加哥是美国中西部首要的城市。

    principal Chicago is the principal city in the Midwest of the United States .

  4. 但中小学校长联合会负责人罗素.霍比(RussellHobby)指责历届政府痴迷学校结构改革,却忽视对课堂教学关注。

    But Russell Hobby , leader of a headteachers " association , accuses successive administrations of an obsession with structural change at the expense of focusing on classroom teaching .

  5. 中小学校长权力的合理性和规范性正在受到质疑。

    The rationality and regulation of headmasters ' power faces questioning .

  6. 本文主要研究延边地区中小学校长专业发展。

    This paper studies professional development of school principals in Yanbian .

  7. 第三部分:网络教育与现代中小学校长培训。

    Part ⅲ: The network education and the modern principal training .

  8. 中小学校长专业化培训课程设置研究

    Study on Curriculum Setting of School Principals ' Professional Training Program

  9. 中小学校长提高培训策略的实践研究

    The Practice and Study on the Strategy of Schoolmasters ' Training

  10. 制约中小学校长专业化的因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors Restricting the Specialization of School Principals

  11. 浅谈中小学校长的领导意识

    On the Principals ′ Consciousness of Leadership in Primary and Middle Schools

  12. 中小学校长培训的中外比较及启示

    A Comparison of Sino-Foreign Training of Schoolmasters and Its Inspirations

  13. 试论中小学校长培训中的案例研究及其功能定位

    Comment on Case Study & Its Functional Orientation in Training of Headmasters

  14. 中小学校长培训工作的创新

    Innovation in the Training of Middle and Primary School Headmasters

  15. 反思与展望:论中小学校长培训

    Reflection and Expectation of Primary and Secondary School Principal Training

  16. 中小学校长非权力性影响力的理论分析和实践探讨

    Elementary and Middle Schools Principal Non-authority Influence Theoretical Analysis and Practice Discussion

  17. 中小学校长角色的定位与转换

    The Orientation and Transform of Schoolmaster-Role of the Primary and Secondary Schools

  18. 中小学校长资格证书制度研究

    A research report on credentials system of primary and middle school principals

  19. 怎样为农村中小学校长创造良好的工作环境和条件?

    How to create better working environment and conditions for the presidents ?

  20. 中小学校长培训课程的回顾与分析

    The retrospection and analyse of the training of schoolmaster

  21. 中小学校长专业发展的影响因素

    The System Elements Impacting on the Principal Professional Development

  22. 谈中小学校长实际能力及其培训

    On the Practical Ability of Primary and Middle School Headmasters and Their Training

  23. 中小学校长是基础教育的领头雁。

    Headmasters take the lead in the fundamental education .

  24. 中小学校长培训工作评估的对象、内容及方法

    The Object , Content and Method of Evaluating the Work of Headmaster Training

  25. 专业化背景下的中小学校长职业角色我国法医学专业就业前景分析及对策

    Analysis and Countermeasures of the Employment Prospect for Forensic Medicine Specialty in China

  26. 中小学校长决策过程研究

    Research on the Decision-making Process of Principal in the Elementary and Secondary School

  27. 现代中小学校长培训模式的构建

    Construction of a Mold for Training Headmasters of Modern Middle and Elementary Schools

  28. 中小学校长如何看待教师素质和继续教育

    Headmasters ' Views on Teacher Qualities and Sustainable Education

  29. 论新形势下中小学校长培训模式的转变

    Discussion about the transformation of the trained pattern of the presidents in schools

  30. 中小学校长培训需求的调查研究

    Investigation on the Demand of Training of the Headmasters