
  • 网络Electrical and Electronic Technology
  1. 电工电子技术课程自主评价式考评体系的构建

    The Construction of Autonomous Evaluating Assessment System for the Course of Electrical and Electronic Technology

  2. 基于工作过程的《数控电工电子技术》课程开发

    Study and Practice of " NC Electrical and Electronic Technology " Course Development

  3. 电工电子技术计算机辅助教学(CAI)系统,采用Matlab语言实现。

    The computer-aided teaching system for electric engineering and electronics was realized with MATLAB language .

  4. 电工电子技术CAI系统的实现

    Realization of CAI System for Electrical Engineering and Electronics

  5. 电工电子技术网络教学系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation for Electrics and Electronics Network Teaching System

  6. 电工电子技术课程网络化教学模式的研究与探讨

    Research and Discussion on Network Teaching Mode of Electrotechnics and Electronic Techniques

  7. 电工电子技术教学实验的规划和实施

    The Program and Execution of the Electrotechnics ' Teaching Experiment

  8. 电工电子技术基础实验教学改革的构想

    Thoughts on the teaching reform of experiments of electrician 's electronic technology

  9. 《电工电子技术试题库》的设计

    The Design of Date Base for Examinations on Electrical Engineering and Electronic Circuits

  10. 讨论了非电理工类电工电子技术课程的教学改革。

    This paper describes the teaching reform in the course in Electrics and Electronics .

  11. 交互式电工电子技术课件研制

    Research on Interactive Courseware of Electronics and Electronics

  12. 面向21世纪电工电子技术课程改革与建设

    Probing Course Reformation and Construction of Electric and Electronic Technology Facing the 21st Century

  13. 电工电子技术开放自主实验模式的探索与实践

    Study and practice on open and self-determination experiment in experiment technology of electrical engineering

  14. 电工电子技术课程教改实践与探索

    The Practice and Exploration of Teaching Reform in Technology of Electrotechnics and Electronics Course

  15. 彰显特色,不断创新,推进《电工电子技术》国家精品课程的建设。

    Manifestation of Character , Continuous Innovation , Further Developing of the National Superior Course Eelectrotechnics .

  16. 电工电子技术是电类专业重要的一门专业技术基础课。

    Electrics and Electronic Course is the core basic required one of many electricity specialities courses .

  17. 谈电工电子技术课程设计

    Electronics and Electrical Engineering Course Design

  18. 在电工电子技术暂态电路的试验设计中,因电路本身响应时间短,用常规仪器很难对其响应的过程进行直接测量。

    In the experimentation design of the transient , it is difficult to measure its transient response with routine apparatus .

  19. 通过一个实际的仿真软件,介绍虚拟电子实验台在电工电子技术实验中的应用。

    Combining with an actual simulation software , this article introduced the application of a new virtual electronics workbench in digital logic circuit experiment .

  20. 本文综述了日本蜡在防水剂、涂料、粘接剂、润滑剂、日用化学品、文化用品、电工电子技术和纺织印染等方面的应用。

    This paper reviews application of Japan wax in waterproofers , coatings , adhesives , lubricants , daily chemicals , stationeries , electric and electronic technics , textiles and printings , etc.

  21. 为了有效解决这一矛盾,提高教学效率和教学质量,改善教学效果,设计并实现了基于网络的电工电子技术导论教学系统。

    In order to dissolve the contradiction effectively , improve efficiency and quality of teaching , ameliorate effect of impartment , a web-based teaching system for the course of An Introduction to Electrotechnics is designed and applied .

  22. 编写电工与电子技术实验CAI课件稿本的体会

    The Understanding of Writing the Play Book for Electrotechnics and Electronics Experiment CAI Courseware

  23. 文章针对电工与电子技术实验CAI课件稿本,谈了编写思路与体会。

    This paper aimed at writing the play book of electrotechnics and electronics experiment CAI courseware , and introduced writing thoughts and amprehension .

  24. 电工电子实验技术教材的建设与研究教材的保持教材的保持

    The Constraction and Research on Textbooks in Electric and Electronic Experimental Technique

  25. 电工与电子技术实验教学改革的探索房地产品牌之路探索

    Exploration on the Reform of Experimental Teaching in Electrical Engineering and Electronics Technique

  26. 《电工、电子技术》课程教学改革实践

    The Reform of the Teaching on the Course of the Electric and Electronic

  27. 《电工与电子技术》实验系列教材的建设与研究

    The Constraction and Research on the Experimental Serial Textbooks in Electric and Electronic Technique

  28. 电工与电子技术考试改革的探讨与实施

    Discussion and Practice on the Examination Reform in the Course of Electrotechnics and Electronics

  29. 电工及电子技术基础

    Basis of Electrotechnics & Electronic Techniques

  30. 现代教育技术在《电工与电子技术》课程教学中的实践

    The Practice of the Technique of the Modern Education in Teaching of " The Application of Electrical and Electronic Technique "