
  • 网络Final Girl
  1. 新片《最后的女孩》(TheFinalGirls)中的时空旅行推出了两个新花样:母亲和女儿的“最后的女孩”组合,以及催人泪下的结局。

    Time travel in the new film " The Final Girls " introduces two fresh twists : mother-daughter final girls and a tear-jerker ending .

  2. 在约翰·卡朋特(JohnCarpenter)这个广为人模仿的故事里,“最后的女孩”在90分钟内从纯真的看护者变成了坚强的保护人。

    In John Carpenter 's much-copied tale , the final girl goes from innocent babysitter to tenacious protector in 90 minutes .

  3. 正如恐怖电影博客写手凯特·霍根(KateHogan)所写的,很少有“最后的女孩”能够说出如此“极度激进的台词”。

    Few final girls get such an " incredibly radical through line , " as the horror blogger Kate Hogan put it .

  4. 真正改变规则的电影是1996年的《惊声尖叫》(Scream),里面有一个掌控全局的“最后的女孩”,她知道身为“最后的女孩”意味着什么。

    A game changer arrived in 1996 , when the winking " Scream " featured an in-control final girl who knew what a final girl was .

  5. 为了智胜面具恶人杰森(Jason),这位“最后的女孩”得好好动用智慧。她穿上他妈妈的毛线衣,假扮成他的妈妈。

    To outsmart the masked evildoer Jason , this final girl uses her wits : She puts on his mother 's sweater and pretends to be her .

  6. 影迷们熟悉的“最后的女孩”源自于刑房电影(grindhousecinema)类型,她是恐怖电影中那种坚强面对杀手的女性角色。

    Rooted in grindhouse cinema , the final girl , as she 's known to fans , is the feisty character who 's left to face the killer in a horror movie .

  7. 把时间拨回1984年,《猛鬼街》(ANightmareonElmStreet)中推出了一个先发制人的“最后的女孩”,她在家乡设下陷阱,追捕变态弗瑞迪·克鲁格(FreddyKrueger)。

    Fast forward to 1984 , when " A Nightmare on Elm Street " introduced a proactive final girl who booby-trapped her home to catch Freddy Krueger .

  8. 尽管劳瑞是恐怖电影界最受钟爱的“最后的女孩”,但最后她还是被唐纳德·普利森斯(DonaldPleasence)饰演的男主角拯救。

    Though Laurie is one of horror 's beloved final girls , she is saved by a man ( Donald Pleasence ) .

  9. 这部加拿大假日恐怖电影为女权主义“最后的女孩”设立了标杆。

    This Canadian holiday horror movie set a standard for feminist final girls .

  10. 这位美国歌手正在欧洲进行自己开始于三周前的“地球上最后的女孩”巡演。

    The American singer is currently on the road with her Last Girl On Earth tour-which began three weeks ago in Europe .

  11. “最后的女孩”几乎都是年轻的、异性恋的白种人,在男性主导的恐怖电影界经历了复杂的演化。

    The final girl - almost always white , young and straight ( ish ) - has had a complicated evolution in the male-dominated horror world .

  12. 这个“最后的女孩”身穿运动衫,满嘴脏话,热衷性事,她在平静地追捕一个喜欢用手术刀的精神病,他在学期最后一天的派对上杀死了她的朋友们。

    Wearing just a sports jersey , this foul-mouthed , sex-loving final girl calmly hunts down a scalpel-wielding mental patient who has killed her friends at a party on the last day of school .

  13. 她弹了又弹,可是萧伯纳一言不发,好像什么也没有听到似的,最后那失望的女孩停下来问道:“我让你讨厌了吗,先生?”

    She played and played , but Shaw said nothing as if he hadn 't heard anything . At last the disappointed2 girl stopped . " Am I bothering you , sir ? " she asked .

  14. 她是我最后一个想见的女孩!

    She is the last girl I 'd like to see !

  15. 这部影片是“最后的永眠聚会”系列里一个成本特别低的片子,其中有两大反常之处——其一,一个不是处女的“最后的女孩”;其二(剧透警报),一个死掉的“最后的女孩”。

    An ultra-low-budget riff on the " Slumber Party Massacre " series , this film features two anomalies : a final girl who 's not virginal and - spoiler alert - a final girl who dies .