
  • 【电影】Last Night
  1. 但是连续在野外露营三天之后,我就感觉受不了了。特别是最后一夜在凡尔登(Verdun)附近的LeForetduMortHomme度过,翻译成英文就是“死人森林”。

    But after three consecutive nights of camping out I 'd had enough , especially since the last had been spent near Verdun in Le Foret du Mort Homme , which translates as Dead Man 's Forest .

  2. 这是你们在这儿的最后一夜。

    It 's just it 's your last night here .

  3. 他最后一夜一直在阅读和唱歌。

    He spent the Iast night reading and singing untii all hours .

  4. 这是我在这里的最后一夜。同样的老歌再唱一次。

    My last night tear for you , the same songs just once more .

  5. 那是我们在一起的最后一夜。

    It was our last evening together .

  6. 我已经忘了,我真的很气。他毁了我在纽约的最后一夜。

    It is behind me . I 'm mostly upset about him ruining my last night in New York .

  7. 就像在最后一夜的漫长难熬的数小时之中公主反复问自己一样,我将要问你同样的问题。

    I ask you the same question that the princess asked herself for all those long agonizing hours of the final night .

  8. 在丈夫葬礼的前一夜,凯瑟林坚持睡在棺木旁,与丈夫共同度过最后一夜。

    The night before her husband 's burial , Katherine refused to leave his casket , asking to sleep next to him one last time .

  9. 最后一夜,韦斯莱夫人变出了一桌丰盛的晚饭,都是哈利最喜欢的食品,最后一道是看了就让人流口水的蜜汁布丁。

    On their last evening , Mrs. Weasleyconjured upa sumptuous dinner that included all of Harry 's favorite things , ending with a mouthwatering treacle pudding .

  10. 在两周节庆的最后一夜元宵节,人们点起灯笼,庆祝新年的第一轮满月。

    The final night of the two-week festival , Lantern Festival , is celebrated with lanterns as it marks the first full moon of the New Year .

  11. 直到这可怕的最后一夜,一种意识到自己已经濒临绝境的幻灭感向他那晦暗的灵魂全力袭来。

    It was not until the night of this last awful day , that a withering sense of his helpless , desperate state came in its full intensity upon his blighted soul ;

  12. 现在达林先生、太太和娜娜回想起来,这不过是一件小事;但如果想到这事发生在迈克尔在育儿室的最后一夜,那就不是小事了。

    Such a little thing for Mr. and Mrs. Darling and Nana to recall now , but not so little if that was to be Michael 's last night in the nursery .

  13. 廿七日晚上,梅艳芳用尽了「吃奶力」(她自已这样形容),伴著歌迷的一片哭喊声、嘶叫声,顺利地度过了「梅姑姑的最后一夜」。

    On27th night , as Anita Mui described herself , she used all " her energy from day she was fed on milk ", accompanied by the crying and shouting , of the fans , she smoothly passed " her last night " .

  14. 他们说在拜占庭的最后一夜,1453年5月28日星期一晚上,距君士坦丁堡陷于土耳其大军仅数小时之时,童贞玛丽亚最后一次降世于她的城市并将她的肖像带回了天国。

    They say that on the last night of byantium on the evening of Monday the twenty-eighth of may in1453 , just hours before Constantinople fell to armies of Turks that the virgin came down to her city for the last time and took her picture back to heaven .

  15. 安徒生童话:卖火柴的小女孩TheLittleMatch-Girl1天气非常非常冷,雪下得很大,夜幕已降临。这是旧年最后的一夜——除夕之夜。

    It was dreadfully cold , it was snowing fast , and almost dark ; the evening ---- the last evening of the old year was drawing in .

  16. 这是一年中最后的一夜&新年的前夕。

    It was the last evening of the year , too-New Year 's Eve .

  17. 卖火柴的小女孩天气冷得可怕。正在下雪,黑暗的夜幕开始垂下来了。这是这年最后的一夜——新年的前夕。

    it snowed , and was nearly quite dark , and evening -- the last evening of the year .