
  • 网络Zoonotic diseases;zoonosis;zoonosi s
  1. 人畜共患疾病文献计量分析

    Bibliometric Analysis of Zoonosis

  2. 结论该起人群流行疾病是一起由猪链球菌型所致感染性综合征,为人畜共患疾病。

    Conclusion The epidemical disease occurred in this district is infectious syndrome caused by streptococcus suis ⅱ and is zoonosis .

  3. C组β溶血性链球菌感染是人畜共患疾病,在动物中较常见,在人群中爆发流行极为罕见。

    The infection caused by Group C , Tye β hemolytic streptococcus is a disease which can be obtained by the animal and the mankind .

  4. 单增李斯特菌是革兰氏阳性菌,可引起人畜共患疾病。

    Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive bacterium , which can cause zoonotic diseases .

  5. 拉沙热是一种人畜共患疾病,即人通过接触受感染的动物引起感染。

    Lassa fever is a zoonotic disease , meaning that humans become infected from contact with infected animals .

  6. 现在研究人员正在调查污染物质和其他环境因素在这些人畜共患疾病中所起的作用。

    Now researchers are examining the role that pollutants and other environmental factors play in these dual diseases .

  7. 另外,卫生设施一般很薄弱的发展中和转轨中经济尤其易受人畜共患疾病的威胁。

    Furthermore , developing or transition countries which generally have poor public health systems are particularly at risk from zoonoses .

  8. 狂犬病是一种人畜共患疾病(由动物传播到人类的疾病),由一种病毒引起。

    Rabies is a zoonotic disease ( a disease that is transmitted to humans from animals ) that is caused by a virus .

  9. 然而,人畜共患疾病也会影响卫生标准较高的工业化国家。欧洲发生的牛脑海绵状疾病危机就是这样的例子。

    But zoonoses also affected industrialized countries with high health standards as was the case with the bovine spongiform encephalopathy crisis in Europe .

  10. 把人类基因转移到动物身上或是反过来,都会增大人畜共患疾病的可能性。

    The transfer of human genes into animals and vice versa heightens the danger of developing zoonoses , diseases that are transimitted from animals to humans .

  11. 本文对这两个问题进行了分析,特别对受体的免疫反应,动物肝细胞的生理功能及替代人体肝脏的能力,可能感染的人畜共患疾病以及生物伦理学等问题展开了讨论。

    This paper analyses these two problems , and especially discusses the immunologic reaction to recipients , the physiological function of animal liver cells and their capability of substituting human livers , probably infected zoonosis , as well as bioethics on bioartificial livers .

  12. 血吸虫病世界性分布,危害严重,为人畜共患的重大疾病之一。

    Schistosomiasis is an important helminthic disease of human being and animals in the world .

  13. 尼帕病毒感染是造成动物和人严重患病的一种新出现的人畜共患疾病。

    Nipah virus ( NiV ) infection is a newly emerging zoonosis that causes severe disease in both animals and humans .

  14. 背景和目的人禽流感(Humanavianinfluenza,HAI)是人接触禽流感病毒污染的排泄物或者分泌物而感染,并出现以呼吸道感染、粘膜充血等症状为主要表现的人畜共患疾病,死亡率较高。

    Background & Objectives Human avian influenza ( HAI ) is an infectious disease with a higher fatality rate caused by exposure to secretion or excretion polluted by avian influenza virus ( H5N1 ) . Respiratory tract infection and mucosal hyperemia are the main symptoms .