
  • 网络man-made disaster;human-caused disaster;human-made hazards
  1. 识别地震谣传减轻人为灾害

    Researches on the recognition of earthquake rumors and the reduction of man-made disasters

  2. 同时,各种自然和人为灾害频频发生,对国家及城市的经济发展带来严重威胁。

    Natural and man-made disasters are occurring frequently and hurting much the economic development .

  3. 上海市人为灾害的灰色数列和拓扑预测

    The Grey Prediction of Man-made Calamities with Numerical Array and Topology

  4. 陕西土地与人为灾害相互关系分析

    Analysis on the Relationship between Land and Man-made Hazard in Shaanxi Province

  5. 上海城市人为灾害与复合生态环境因子的灰色关联分析

    On the Grey Relationship Between Man-made Urban Calamities and Ecologic-environmental Factors in Shanghai

  6. 上海城市人为灾害的灾变动力学研究

    On the study of the dynamics of the urban man made hazard in Shanghai

  7. 上海城市人为灾害的灰色预测

    Grey forecast of man-made urban calamities in Shanghai

  8. 陕西土地资源开发利用中的人为灾害

    Man-made disaster in the exploitation of land source and its prevention way in Shaanxi

  9. 人为灾害问题的研究及思考

    Problems Research and Thought on Man-made Catastrophe

  10. 上海是一座遭受自然灾害、人为灾害频繁袭扰的城市。

    Shanghai is a city for usually was assaulted by nature disaster and artificial disaster .

  11. 无论是人为灾害还是自然灾害都已经超越了人类知识的预期和控制范围。

    Man-made and natural disasters have gone beyond the expectations and controls of human beings .

  12. 预防和减轻水电建设中人为灾害的对策研究

    A study on Strategy of preventing and avoiding man-made disasters in construction of hydropower projects

  13. 三峡库区城镇建设应重视人为灾害的治理

    The prevention and control of man-made geologic hazard in the construction of towns in the reservoir

  14. -加紧合作以减少自然灾害和人为灾害的次数及其影响。

    - To intensify cooperation to reduce the number and effects of natural and man-made disasters .

  15. 即使在和平时期,各种自然灾害和人为灾害等不可预见的突发事件也随处可见。

    Even in times of peace , natural disasters and man-made disasters and other unforeseen emergencies everywhere .

  16. 环境中的人为灾害

    Human disaster in environment

  17. 面对灾害,人最初的本能就是逃离,不管这种灾害是自然灾害还是人为灾害。

    Facing disasters , no meter natural or artificial , human beings ' basic instinct is to escape .

  18. 无论是突发性自然灾害还是人为灾害,对于旅游业来说都不啻为重击。

    It is surely a heavy blow to tourism whether it is a natural disaster or a man-made one .

  19. 西部属于我国重灾区,而且,人为灾害相当严重。

    The west belongs to the heavy disaster area in our country , where man-made disasters are relatively serious .

  20. 城市人为灾害灾变动力机制在认识上有两个层次:表征机制和内在机制。

    On dynamic mechanism of urban man-made hazards there are two cognitive levels : appearance mechanism and inherent mechanism .

  21. 注意自己时刻脱离危险,无论是或大或小的危害,无论是机械故障还是人为灾害。

    They forever on the lookout from danger , from hazards , large or small , mechanical or manmade .

  22. 三是本文对巨灾的研究相对集中在自然灾害,而缺乏对人为灾害的研究。

    Meanwhile , the study of Catastrophe insurance comparatively focuses on natural disaster , and lacks the research of man-made disaster .

  23. 面对以爆炸为主的恐怖主义及人为灾害日趋严重的威胁,结构抗爆逐渐成为研究的热点。

    Under the situation of the treat of terrorist act such as blast increasing , blast resistance of structures has been a new research field .

  24. 我国是灾害频发的国家,每年各种自然灾害、人为灾害给国民经济带来了不可估量的损失。

    China is a disaster-prone country . Each year , various types of natural disasters and man-made disasters have brought incalculable damage to the national economy .

  25. 因此,研究如何防御和减轻自然灾害和人为灾害对城市和环境的破坏,已成为一个重大的社会问题。

    Therefore it is a great important social problem to research how to take precautions against and lighten natural calamity and man-made disaster destorying city and environment .

  26. 搜索机器人在水灾、火灾、地震等自然灾害以及各种人为灾害领域有着广泛的应用。

    Rescue robots have been applied broadly in nature disasters ( such as flood , fire , and earthquake et al . ) and various man-made catastrophes .

  27. 受自然、人为灾害等偶发事件以及日常的交通供需矛盾的影响,道路网运行效率下降,行程时间波动且不确定。

    Under the impact of natural and man-made incidents and the gap between supply and demand , the travel efficiency usually is degraded , and travel time varies .

  28. 分析岩土体类型及其工程地质特征,是治理环境工程地质问题、防治人为灾害的基础。

    To analyse the rock soil mass types and its engineering geological characteristics are the basis of harnessing environmental engineering geologies and preventing and controlling man made calamities .

  29. 在从设计到使用的过程中,由于设计疏忽、施工失误、非正常使用、自然及人为灾害等因素的影响,房屋的结构承载力降低,从而影响建筑的安全使用。

    Due to natural and manmade adverse condition such as miscalculation in design , construction or improper use , lots of buildings suffer structural carrying capacity , which undermines public safety .

  30. 对于人为灾害频发的原因及其防治,学术界一直存在多种观点,并且从不同角度对这一事件进行了分析。

    For reasons of the man-made disaster and its prevention , the academia have many opinions for a long time , moreover , the academia has analyzed this from different angles .