
shū luǎn ɡuǎn jié zā shù
  • tubal ligation
  1. 但是有PTLS综合征的输卵管结扎术受术者的性腺轴受到干扰,生殖内分泌功能受到不良影响,占总术者的34%。

    But those of women with PTLS were significantly different from the normal . Tubal ligation may influence the gonadal axis and reproductive and endocrinological function in 34 percent of women .

  2. 输卵管结扎术;子宫输卵管粘连;临床分析。

    Tubal ligation ; Uterine and tubal adhesion ; Clinical analysis .

  3. 目的:探讨Stark剖宫产术后腹部粘连情况及其对经腹输卵管结扎术中的影响。

    Objective : To explore the status of abdominal adhesion after the operation of Michael stark cesarean section and its effect on oviduct ligation through abdomen .

  4. 结论:Stark剖宫产术后腹部粘连率高,子宫与腹壁粘连对经腹输卵管结扎术有较大影响。

    Conclusion : It shows not only higher abdominal adhesion rate after Michael Stark cesarean section , but also appears greater effect of uterus adhesion with abdominal wall on the oviduct ligation .

  5. 结果3例患者均为女性,均为输卵管结扎术后1~2年发现膀胱前间隙炎性假瘤,CT及B超提示膀胱前壁肿块,但膀胱黏膜光滑。

    Results All of 3 patients were female , IPRS were found after ligation of Fallopian tube for 1 ~ 2 years . CT examination and B type ultrasonography indicated that the mass was at the anterior wall of bladder , but the mucosa of bladder was smooth .

  6. 输卵管结扎术后盆腔静脉瘀血症的二维超声诊断

    Two-dimensional Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Pelvic Venous Congestion after Ligation of Oviduct

  7. 输卵管结扎术中并发脏器损伤37例分析

    Analysis of 37 Cases of Oviduct Ligation Complicated with Splanchnic Injuries

  8. 目的探讨输卵管结扎术中子宫输卵管粘连的临床效果。

    Objective Ligation of tubal uterine tubal adhesion of clinical effect .

  9. 输卵管结扎术12528例随访

    Follow-up study on 12528 Cases of Ligation of Fallopian Tubes

  10. 家兔输卵管结扎术后黄体的形态变化

    Morphological changes of corpus luteum after tubal sterilization in rabbits

  11. 异丙酚联合芬太尼、阿托品用于输卵管结扎术的临床观察

    Clinical Research of Propofol-Fentanyl-Atropin in the Anesthesia of Tubal Ligation

  12. 输卵管结扎术后再次开胆探查456例结果分析

    The analysis of 456 cases of exploratory laparotomy after ligation of oviduct

  13. 输卵管结扎术对女性生殖内分泌功能的影响

    Effects of Tubal Ligation on Reproductive Endocrinological Function in Women

  14. 心理治疗对输卵管结扎术患者的影响

    Effect of psychological treatment on patients with tubal ligation

  15. 目的分析输卵管结扎术发生并发症的原因。

    Objective Analysis of cause of complication occurrenc in ligation of fallopian tube .

  16. 指板子宫复位法在输卵管结扎术中的临床观察

    Clinical observation of the fingerboard uterine reset method in the tubal ligation surgery

  17. 输卵管结扎术后异位妊娠44例临床分析

    The Clinical Analysis of 44 cases of Ectopic Pregnancy after the Tubal Ligation

  18. 20例输卵管结扎术后盆腔静脉瘀血症分析

    Analysis of 20 Pelvic Venous Stasis after Tubal Ligation

  19. 2187例输卵管结扎术随访分析

    Analysis To The 2187 Cases Of Ligation Of Oviduct

  20. 腹腔镜治疗输卵管结扎术后盆腔瘀血综合征的临床研究

    Clinic Study of Laparoscopy in Treatment of Pelvic Congestion Syndrome after Tubal Ligation

  21. 丙泊酚复合芬太尼、咪达唑仑用于无痛输卵管结扎术的临床观察

    Clinical observation of tubal ligation analgesia with propofol combined with fentanyl and midazolam

  22. 输卵管结扎术(李氏改良法)195例报告

    Report of 195 Cases of Ligation of Oviduct

  23. 对输卵管结扎术受术者心理护理的效果观察

    The Observation on the Effect of Psychology Nursing Care of Patients with Tubal Ligation Operation

  24. 大鼠输卵管结扎术后子宫内膜雌激素受体、血浆雌二醇水平及其形态学的变化

    Level of endometrial estrogen receptor , plasma estradiol and morphological changes after tubal ligation in rats

  25. 家兔输卵管结扎术后对子宫静脉血管和血浆孕酮水平的影响

    The diametric changes of uterine veins and changes of serum progesterone after tubal ligation in rabbits

  26. 输卵管结扎术由于其避孕效果的优越性,已经成为普遍采用的手术节育方式之一。

    Result : The tubal ligation is better than take anticonceptive orally in all of the indexes .

  27. 2005年,宫内节育器和输卵管结扎术仍为农村育龄妇女的主要避孕措施。

    In 2005 , IUD and tubal ligation still were the major contraceptive measures among rural married women .

  28. 目的:探讨腹腔镜下圆韧带悬吊术治疗输卵管结扎术后盆腔瘀血综合征的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe clinic effects of round ligament ventrosuspension by Laparoscopy on treating pelvic congestion syndrome after tubal ligation .

  29. 目的:为探讨输卵管结扎术后发生盆腔静脉瘀血综合征的解剖因素,并提出预防措施。

    Objective : To study the anatomical factor of the pelvic congestion syndrome after tubal ligation and put forward the preventive measures .

  30. 说明输卵管结扎术可使34%受术者的性腺轴受到干扰,对生殖内分泌功能产生不良影响。

    The findings suggest that tubal ligation may influence the gonadal axis and affect reproductive endocrinological function in 34 percent of treated women .