
  • 网络Vas deferens artery;deferentiaartery
  1. 输精管动脉供应区域的实验研究

    Experimental study of distribution of deferential artery

  2. 结果输精管动脉支配整个输精管,附睾头、体、尾及部分睾丸实质。

    Results The vas deferens artery controlled the whole vas deferens , epididymis and partial parenchyma of testis .

  3. 结论在同种异体睾丸移植时,为提高睾丸存活和术后生育能力,除进行传统的吻合精索内动脉外,同时行输精管动脉的吻合实属必要。

    Conclusion It is important anastomosing either internal spermatic artery or vas deferens artery in order to increasing the ability of reproduction during performing homologous testis transplantation .

  4. 方法取去势手术病人睾丸10只,在10倍手术显微镜下,经输精管动脉灌注碳素墨水,直接显示输精管动脉的支配区域。

    Methods The testis were obtained from the operative patients . By perfusing the vas deferens artery with ink , the area dominat - ed by the vas deferens artery were observed under the 10 times operative microscopy .