
  • 网络input/output channel;i/o channel
  1. 提出用AI调节器作输入输出通道构成过程计算机控制系统的方法。

    A method of establishing process computer control system by using AI controller as input and output channel is presented .

  2. 嵌入式网络控制器集成了输入输出通道、LCD显示和触摸屏模块,能够实现工业现场测控;

    The embedded network controller has integrated input output port and LCD display touch panel module , which can realize industrial field measure control .

  3. 通过对开关工作状态的控制,可以快速实现任意输入输出通道之间的连接,进而实现单块晶体集成结构的Crossbar网络任意无阻塞互连模式。

    Controlling the states of the switches , it may achieve the non-block interconnection between any input-output pair , and carry out the integrated of non-block crossbar interconnection networks .

  4. 现场的各种干扰影响PLC控制系统的工作可靠性,根据干扰的来源,分别对供电电源、接地装置和输入输出通道采取相应的隔离、接地、抑制等抗干扰措施。

    Disturbing signals on site effect the reliability of the PLC controlling system . According to the disturbing sources , some anti-disturbing measures such as insulation to the supply power , ground to the electric equipments , restrain to the input / output channel are adopted .

  5. 该控制器具有以太网、RS-232、RS-485等多种通信端口,多路模拟量和数字量的输入输出通道,并且具有很强的可靠性和抗干扰性,为工业底层设备的入网提供了保障。

    It features several communication abilities , including Ethernet , RS-232 and RS-485 . As a controller , it also provides many analog input and output channels , and digital input and output channels .

  6. DJS200/10型计算机输入输出通道设计

    The design of I / o channel of djs200 / 10 computer

  7. 可编程序控制器应用中节省输入输出通道的方法

    The Method of Saving I / O Channel in Application of PLC

  8. 系统采用了激光三灯对正装置进行炉门精确对正,整套系统包括数据采集、无线通讯及数据信息显示,系统的硬件设计考虑了未来功能项目的增加,预留了一些额外的输入输出通道。

    The system has data collection wireless communication and data display , the design of hardware provides some extra input and output channels .

  9. 一种存取方法,只有当用户程序提出请求时,才能实现通过输入输出通道的数据传输。

    A method of access in which data transfers through input / output channels are made only as and when called for in a user program .

  10. 采用模块化建模技术,建立了具有完整模型体系的多参数、多输入输出通道的柴油机仿真模型和船舶动力传动系统模型。

    The modularization method is chosen to establish a complete diesel simulating model of the many input and output and power transmission system model of the ship .

  11. I/O接口机箱则通过机箱内的不同功能的多个板卡,连接控制盘台或其它硬件设备,分散控制接口系统的各个输入输出通道。

    And I / O interface crates connect with control panel or other hardware devices using different function cards , dispersedly controlling each input and output channels of the interface system .

  12. 阐明了根据设备的功能要求选用微处理机的方法以及针对复杂的控制功能要求如何处理微处理机的接口电路和输入输出通道。

    How to select microprocessor based upon necessary equipment function requirement and how to design the microprocessor I / O and interface circuits based upon complex controlling function requirement are briefly introduced in this paper .

  13. 通过对系统传递函数输入输出通道的组合变换,引入一种新的能够同时体现残差对扰动信号鲁棒性和对故障信号灵敏性的性能指标。

    By combining the appropriate input / output channels , a new performance index was introduced , which took into account the robustness of the fault detection observer against disturbance and sensitivity to faults simultaneously .

  14. 着重探讨如何借助该实验系统,提高学生对工业控制计算机输入输出通道进行硬件设计、软件开发及系统综合技术的运用能力。

    We discussed how to make students improve their ability of hardware designing , software developing and system debugging for the input / output channel of industry control computer with the help of this experience system .

  15. 在辗压控制方面,分析了系统性能及要求,对A/D、D/A转换、输入输出通道、以及控制回路的组成进行探讨,为冷辗机的实际应用提供了依据。

    Analyses the performance and demanding of the system on control aspect of rolling and introducing of component of controlling circuit , transfer of A / D and D / A , output and input bus-reference of the practical usage .

  16. 上位主机集中监控通信链路中各个下位I/O接口机箱,下位I/O接口机箱直接连接控制盘台或其它硬件设备,分散控制接口系统的各个输入输出通道。

    The upside host computer fasten on controlling each downside I / O interface crate on the communication chain , and downside I / O interface crates directly connect with control panel or other hardware devices and dispersedly control each input and output channels of the interface system .

  17. 下位I/O接口机箱中的功能板卡支持四种不同类型的输入输出通道,各个功能板卡独立工作,互不干涉,其中一个输入或输出通道出现故障不会影响其它的输入或输出通道正常工作。

    The downside I / O function cards in the interface crate support four types of I / O channel , and each function card works independently . If one I / O channel emerges malfunction , it will not impact normal work of other I / O channel .

  18. CSP进程与actors的不同之处在于,它比单个邮箱有更丰富的输入和输出通道集。

    CSP processes differ from actors in having a much richer set of input and output channels than a single mailbox .

  19. 然后,本文具体论述了以MSP430微控制器为控制核心的硬件系统设计,录音系统由微控制器、语音输入和输出通道、Flash存储器、液晶显示以及控制电路等部分构成;

    Secondly , this thesis discusses hardware design , whose control core is MSP430 MCU . The Recorder System is made up of MCU , the channel for speech in and the channel for speech out , Flash memory , LCD and control circuit .

  20. 一种控制若干输入-输出通道的操作装置。

    A functional unit that controls one or more input-output channels .

  21. 对比不同通道输入时输出通道的中心波长,其偏移量低于0.039nm;

    The output wavelength shift is below 0.039 nm .

  22. 硬件设计注重通用性,具有多种输入、输出通道,可以采集和输出多种、多个模拟量信号和数字量信。

    Hardware design focus on generality , with rich input and output channels , it can capture and output various and multiple analog signals and digital signals .

  23. 对增强船舶电站自动控制系统的可靠性提出了各种措施,包括电源、电能传输、接地、隔离输入、输出通道,以及电路设计。

    The paper talks some methods about ship station automobile control system reliability , Including power sources , electric energy convey , grand , insulation input , output channal and circuit design .

  24. 主要对嵌入式控制系统在抗干扰方面提出了各种措施,包括电源、接地、隔离输入、输出通道,以及在电路设计上采取了措施,以求提高系统的抗干扰能力。

    Various measures for anti interference for embedded control system are stated for enhancing the capability of the system . These include power supply , grounding , isolated input and output channels and circuit design .

  25. 多率系统虽然具有多种操作频率,但是对于各个输入或输出通道来说,采样频率是保持不变的,即采样间隔不变。

    Although this kind of systems with many different frequencies , the sampling frequency for every input or output channel always remains the same , in other words , the sampling instants of which are constant .

  26. 硬件电路设计,主要包括模拟量输入、输出通道,开关量输出通道等的设计及相关硬件的选择,包括传感器、变频器、采集卡等:详细介绍软件的开发与编制;

    Hardware circuit design included analog input-output channels , switch output channel and relevant choice of hardware , including the sensors , frequency converter , data acquisition card , and etc. The development of the software was introduced and the program was worked out in detail in the paper .

  27. 论文以开发DSP小系统入手,在没有输入通道及输出通道的情况下,根据系统要求的性能指标,构造了最精简的DSP系统,力求能使DSP系统能够正常、高效的工作。

    The thesis begins with the development of the small system based on DSP .

  28. 处理机之间的通信大多数是通过输入/输出通信通道完成,但具有路由选择智能。

    Interprocessor communications mostly done via I / O communication channels , but with routing intelligence .

  29. 蛀洞路由直接将封包头在输入通道和输出通道间传送。

    Wormhole routing operates by advancing the head of a packet directly from incoming to outgoing channels .

  30. 简要介绍了多路异步串行通讯卡的基本构成,然后着重介绍了如何选择输入和输出的通道。

    This paper introduced a basic constitution of multiple asynchronous serial communication interface adapter and option of the multiple input / output channel .