
shū niào ɡuǎn jī shuǐ
  • hydroureter
  1. 37例有肾盂积水表现,36例有输尿管积水、35例有肾周水肿或肾周软组织影。输尿管周围水肿29例。

    At the same time , 37 cases of hydronephrosis , 36 cases hydroureter , 35 cases of perirenal edema or soft tissue shadow , and 29 cases of periureteral edema were found in all patients .

  2. 低张静脉肾盂造影改良术在肾盂输尿管积水诊断中的应用价值

    Application Value of Improved Hypotonic Intravenous Pyelography in Diagnosis of Pelviureteric Hydrocele

  3. 静脉肾盂造影均为肾及输尿管积水,其中9例一侧肾脏不显影。

    Unilateral kidney failed to visualize throughout the IVP examina-tion in 9 cases .

  4. 目的提高先天性巨大输尿管积水的诊治水平。

    Objective To present and evaluate the diagnosis and treatment of congenital giant megaureter .

  5. 术侧肾输尿管积水37侧减轻,2侧无明显变化。

    Of the all operated sides , the hydronephrosis and hydroureter reduced in 37 sides , 2 sides no evident improvement .

  6. 肾盂积水伴双侧输尿管积水者动态观察,积水加重者,多与泌尿系梗阻有关。

    It may be caused by obstruction , if hydronephrosis is complicated with bilateral hydroureterosis or hydronephrosis becomes more serious dynamically .

  7. 输尿管积水明显减少7例,好转4例,无变化7例,总有效率61%。

    The hydroureterosis was markedly effective in 7 cases , partial in 4 cases , unchanged in 7 cases . The rate of effect was 61 % .

  8. 3例肾结核,一侧肾萎缩、钙化,对侧输尿管积水扭曲。

    Of 3 cases with renal tuberculosis , the kidney presented atrophy and calcification in one side , and ureter appeared dropsy and torsion in opposite side .

  9. 双侧输尿管积水、多囊肾、肾缺如共14例,终止妊娠13例,占92.86%,1例失访。

    Among 14 cases with bilateral hydroureterosis or polycystic kidney or agenesis of kidney , 13 cases were perinatal death ( 92.86 % ), 1 case was lost .

  10. 腹膜后纤维化致肾盂输尿管积水影像学表现(附5例报告)超声显像:它可展示肾盂及肾盏的扩大程度,及可在胎儿期诊断肾积水。

    Ultrasonography & This will reveal the degree of dilatation of the renal pelvis and calices and allows for diagnosis of hydronephrosis in the prenatal period . Laparoscopic Dismembered Flap Pyeloplasty ( Report of 7 Cases );

  11. 结果手术全部成功,随访2~10年,症状全部消失,肾、输尿管积水明显好转。

    Results : All operations were succeed , The patients were followed up for 2 ~ 10 years and symptoms and hydroureteronephrosis disappeared , which were confirmed by examinations of B-ultrasonic , CT , cystoscopy , IVU etc.

  12. 随访4~12个月,患者输尿管积水明显好转,无输尿管狭窄。肾盂积水伴双侧输尿管积水者动态观察,积水加重者,多与泌尿系梗阻有关。

    During the follow-up of 4-12 months , hydronephrosis and hydroureterosis were lessened and no ureteric stricture was found . It may be caused by obstruction , if hydronephrosis is complicated with bilateral hydroureterosis or hydronephrosis becomes more serious dynamically .

  13. 方法:在常规B超检查输尿管上段积水时,由于肠道气体的干扰,使输尿管中段显示不清的病例中,采用口服20%的甘露醇250ml的方法,使肠道充盈液体,减少气体干扰。

    Methods : The routine ultrasound examination was performed in 22 patients with upper ureter hydrocel whose ultrasonic images were interfered by intestinal gas before & after oral mannitol administration .

  14. 系统性红斑狼疮并发假性肠梗阻及输尿管肾盂积水的临床及实验室特点

    Intestinal pseudo - obstruction and ureterohydronephrosis in systemic lupus erythematosus

  15. 10例梗阻性肾病,双肾增大,肾盂、肾盏、输尿管明显积水。

    There were enlargement of double kidneys and dropsy of renal pelvis , renal calyces and ureter in 10 cases of patients with obstructive nephrosis .

  16. 结果35例中MRI显示33例患侧输尿管有不同程度积水,1例无异常发现,1例仅显示肾移植术后原肾萎缩改变。

    Results MRI showed ureteral dilatation in 33 of 35 cases , no abnormal appearance in 1 case , and only primary kidney atrophy post renal transplantation in 1 case .

  17. 除常规扫描外,对3例输尿管狭窄伴肾盂积水患者行MRU(磁共振泌尿系造影)检查;

    Cases , which suffered from ureterostenosis and hydronephrosis , were examined with MRU .

  18. 中老年人输尿管梗阻导致肾积水的病因及诊断分析

    Middle-aged and elderly patients with hydronephrosis induced by ureteric obstruction : etiology and diagnosis

  19. 重肾双输尿管并发上位肾积水3例误诊分析

    Analysis of duplication of kidney and ureter complicated with hydronephrosis of the upper kidney

  20. 结扎大鼠一侧输尿管,复制肾盂积水模型。先天性小肾脏单输尿管异位开口的诊断与治疗(附七例报告)

    A model of hydronephrosis was established by ligation of single ureter in rats .

  21. 结论腔静脉后输尿管引起的肾积水通过手术治疗,预后恢复良好,并发症少。

    Conclusion Hydronephrosis caused by postcaval ureteris cured , and have less complications after operation .

  22. 彩色多普勒在单侧输尿管结石伴肾积水术前术后肾功能评估的应用

    Color Doppler Ultrasonography for the Evaluation of Renal Function of Hydronephrotic Kidney With Hemi-ureteric Stones

  23. 加味猪苓汤治疗输尿管结石合并肾积水49例观察

    Observation on Hydronephrosis Caused by Ureterolith ( 49 cases ) Treated with Modified Umbellate Pore Decoction

  24. 方法:回顾性分析3例重肾双输尿管并发上位肾积水误诊的临床资料。

    Methods : Clinical data of three cases of duplication of kidney and ureter complicated with hydronephrosis of the upper kidney were analysed retrospectively .

  25. 结论对长期停留在某一部位的输尿管结石或肾积水程度与结石大小不相符合时,应考虑合并有输尿管息肉的可能;

    Conclusions When the stone located in ureter for long time or the degree of hydronephrosis can not meet the size of stones , the possibility of ureteric polyps should be taken into account .

  26. 方法采用后腹腔镜行单纯性肾切除术6例,其中输尿管结石致肾积水无功能肾5例,肾结核1例。

    Methods Retroperitoneal laparoscopic simple nephrectomy was performed in 6 patients , including 5 cases of severe hydronephrosis with non-functioning kidney resulted from ureteral calculi and 1 case of renal tuberculosis . The operation was conducted via retroperitoneal approach .

  27. 文摘:目的:分析重肾双输尿管并发上位肾积水误诊原因,探讨临床不典型肾囊肿、上腺囊肿的诊断方法。

    Abstract : purpose : the causes of misdiagnosis of three cases of duplication of kidney and ureter complicated with hydronephrosis of the upper kidney were analysed so as to provide the measures to diagnose atypical renal or adrenal cysts .

  28. 诊断主要依据IVU及逆行输尿管造影,表现为肾及输尿管上段积水,呈S形扩张。

    The diagnosis was based mainly on intravenous urography ( IVU ) and retrograde ureteropyelography ( RGU ), showing hydronephrosis and hydroureter of upper segment with " S " shaped dilatation .

  29. 腹部增强CT显示输尿管阻塞导致右(图左侧)肾盂和输尿管积水。

    This abdominal CT scan with contrast demonstrates right hydronephrosis and hydroureter as a consequence of ureteral obstruction .

  30. 结果超声检查能清晰显示肾脏的形态、大小、结构,输尿管个数、走行、膀胱入口及排尿和肾盂、输尿管是否积水等情况。

    Results Ultrasonic examination can clearly reveal the size , shape and structure of kidney , ureter alignment , bladder entrance , micturition , hydronephrosis and hydroureterosis .