
  • 【医】functional neurosurgery
  1. 立体定向功能性神经外科不可见靶点的坐标计算方法软件

    Software for Computing the Coordinates of the Empirical Targets in Stereotactic Functional Neurosurgery

  2. 方法:针对药物疗法和功能性神经外科术进行评价。

    METHODS : Drug therapy and functional neurosurgery .

  3. 立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志

    Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

  4. 目的推导并验证立体定向功能性神经外科不可见靶点坐标计算的方法,并将其软件化。

    Objective A software for computing the coordinates of the empirical targets in stereotactic functional neurosurgery was designed and tested .

  5. 我们代表许多美国大型公司,为他们提供产品,用于治疗脑瘤,头部创伤,动脉瘤,癫痫,以及功能性神经外科方面的疾病。

    We represent the largest company in the United States in providing products used for brain tumors , head trauma , aneurysm , epilepsy , and to some extent functional neurosurgery .

  6. 结果:某些新开发的多巴胺激动剂、多巴胺部分激动剂、谷氨酸拮抗剂和新的非典型抗精神病药物的开发,有望改善对帕金森综合征的治疗,而功能性神经外科作用尚待确证。

    RESULTS : Some of the newly developed dopamine total and partial agonists , glutamate antagonists , and atypical antipsychotic agents may be hopeful in treatment of Parkinson 's disease but the role of functional neurosurgery is going to be confirmed .

  7. 此次大会的成功召开必将大大推动亚洲乃至世界立体定向功能性和计算机辅助神经外科的发展。

    The successful holding of this meeting certainly will boost the development of three-dimensional directional function and computer-aided neurosurgery in Asia and even the world .