
  • 网络Transfusion transmitted
  1. 11株经输血传播病毒(TTV)基因型分析

    Analysis of eleven isolated transfusion transmitted virus genotype

  2. 山东地区输血传播病毒(TTV)检测和部分基因克隆及序列测定

    Detection of transfusion transmitted virus ( TTV ) infection and partial gene cloning and sequencing in Shandong

  3. HIV经输血传播的防范与献血跟踪策略

    Prevention of HIV transmission through transfusion and the trailing blood donor strategy

  4. 黑龙江省HIV经输血传播控制综合干预措施和效果评价

    Integrated interventions for HIV transmission by blood transfusion in Heilongjiang province and evaluation of their effec-tiveness

  5. 病毒灭活技术也不能完全避免HIV经输血传播;

    The transmission of HIV through transfusion could not be completely avoided by inactivation of blood virus .

  6. 疾病控制中心称,HIV只能通过性接触、共用针管、输血传播。

    Centers for Disease Control said , HIV only through sexual contact , needle sharing , blood transfusion .

  7. 闽南地区TT病毒的变异及经输血传播的初步证据

    Variation of TT viruses in Minnan area and evidence for transfusion transmission

  8. 输血传播病毒(TTV)感染的肝病患者36例分析

    Analyses of 36 patients of liver disease with TTV infection

  9. 输血传播病毒(TTV)与乙型肝炎病毒混合感染的研究

    The Study of Patients with HBV Infection and Virus of TTV Co-infection

  10. 检测一种新的可经输血传播病毒(TTV)156例及分析

    Detection and Analysis on 156 Cases of a New Kind of TTV Infection

  11. 由于缺乏有效的HIV筛检方法或方法应用不当以及缺乏严格的管理,通过输血传播HIV的危险极为严重,特别是在一些发展中国家。

    HIV risk among blood transfusion was severe due to lack of effective and correctly applied screening method and rigorous management , especially in some developing countries .

  12. 上海地区部分人群输血传播病毒(TTV)感染的研究

    Study on TTV Infecting in Shanghai

  13. 目的输血传播病毒(TTV)在中国郑州地区乙型肝炎病毒携带者、乙型肝炎患者中的感染情况。

    Objective To investigate the prevalence of TTV infection in hepatitis B patients and HBV carriers .

  14. 调查非肝病人群中经输血传播病毒(TTV)的感染状况。

    To investigate the infection of transfusion transmitted virus ( TTV ) in the people without liver diseases .

  15. 目的检测贵州省是否存在输血传播病毒(TTV)感染。

    Objective To examine acute transfusion transmitted hepatitis ( TTV ) from hepatitis and cirrhosis of this hospital .

  16. 2002年,首次报道输血传播西尼罗河病毒(WNV)。

    Transfusion-transmitted West Nilevirus ( WNV ) infections were first reported in2002 .

  17. 结论HEV病毒血症献血员血浆输入可以引起灵长类动物的HEV感染以及急性肝炎,提示HEV经输血传播的可能性。

    Conclusion Acute hepatitis E can be induced by plasma transfusion of HEV viremia , which indicate the possibility of transfusion transmitted hepatitis E.

  18. 结论在艾滋病低流行区域诸如浙江省,尽管未见输血传播HIV病例,但经输血传播HIV的趋势有扩大的风险。

    It is concluded that in a low HIV prevalence area like Zhejiang province where no obvious AIDS occurred , risk for the expansion of the HIV epidemic was on the increase .

  19. 输血传播病毒(TTV)部分基因序列的克隆、表达、活性鉴定及临床病理学、流行病学的研究

    The Clone , Expression , and Activity Assay of Partial Sequence of TTV , and Study on its Pathology and Epidemiology

  20. 采取措施防止HHV-8经输血传播具有一定的现实意义。HHV8有经血液传播的可能。

    HHV - 8 may be transmitted by blood transfusion .

  21. 目的探讨输血传播病毒(TTV)与HBV混合感染的情况及其对肝脏病变程度和对HBV复制的影响。

    Objective To find out the influence of patients with HBV infection and transfusion-transmitted virus ( TTV ) co-infection on their clinical outcome and the replication of HBV infection .

  22. 目的探讨经输血传播病毒(TTV)在肝及肝外组织的定位、分布及其意义。

    Objective : To investigate the location and distribution of transfusion transmitted virus ( TTV ) in the liver and extrahepatic tissues .

  23. 经评估窗口期输血传播HIV的危险度为1:118231。结论虽然输血传播HIV的危险是非常低,但需进一步采取措施提高血液筛查水平。

    The estimated risk of transmitting HIV during window period is 1:118231 . Conclusion the risk of transmitting HIV by blood transfusion is very small , We recommend further improving on current blood screening practices .

  24. 目的评价用于献血员HIV筛检所有方法的有效性,从而找出最合适的方法,以减少HIV通过输血传播的危险。

    Objective To assess the effectiveness of any intervention tests for HIV screening among people donating blood , and find appropriate tests for HIV screening to decrease the risk of HIV transmission by blood transfusion .

  25. 目的了解输血传播病毒(TTV)在老年病毒性肝炎患者中的感染状况,探讨TTV感染与老年病毒性肝炎的关系。

    Objective To comprehend the transfusion transmit virus infection status in aged viral hepatitis patients and discuss the relation of TTV infection with aged viral hepatitis .

  26. 方法用巢式聚合酶链反应(nestPCR)技术对淮阴地区220名专业献血者进行血清中输血传播病毒(TTV)的检测,并在PUC18中对其开放读码框2(ORF2)基因进行了克隆。

    Methods TTV DNA in sera from 220 blood donors in Huaiyin was detected by nest polymerase chain reaction ( nest ? PCR ) .

  27. 目的:探讨血液透析患者血清和外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)中输血传播病毒(TTV)检测状况及意义。

    Objective : To study the situation and significance of transfusion transmitted virus ( TTV ) in serum and peripheral blood mononuclear cell ( PBMC ) of hemodialysis patients .

  28. 目的:了解杭州地区健康献血员中输血传播病毒(TTV)的感染情况和病毒基因组片段的变异性。

    Objective : To investigate the frequency of transfusion-transmitted virus ( TTV ) infection in healthy blood donors in Hangzhou area and the mutation of TTV genomic fragment .

  29. 输血传播病毒ORF2基因的克隆和原核表达

    Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Open Reading Frame 2 Gene of Transfusion Transmitted Virus

  30. 目的观察输血传播病毒(TTV)和肝炎病毒在慢性肾衰(CRF)血液透析(HD)患者中的流行情况和感染相关因素。

    AIM To observe the prevalence and clinical relevance of transfusion transmitted virus ( TTV ) infection in hemodialysis ( HD ) patients with chronic renal failure ( CRF ) and in professional blood donors .