
  • 网络BIL;U-BIL;bilirubin
  1. 尿胆红素阳性并不能排除急性妊娠脂肪肝。

    Urinarybilirubin positive may not eliminate acute fatty liver of pregnancy .

  2. 治疗后D∶T比值、凝血酶原活动度及尿胆红素均明显上升,黄疸下降;

    Results : Before treatment the ratio of D / T was 60 % in the treatment group , urine bilirubin was negative , while after treatment the ratio of D / T , activity of thrombinogen and urine bilirubin were all rised and jaundice was fallen .

  3. 尿中胆红素及血红蛋白均会对检测结果造成影响,检验者和医生应充分考虑到尿中存在的胆红素和血红蛋白对白蛋白检测结果的影响。

    Bilirubin and hemoglobin in urine could affect results of urinary albumin assay . Doctors and technicians should be fully taken into account the existence of bilirubin or hemoglobin in urine can impact results of urinary albumin test . 4 .

  4. 选择尿中常见干扰物胆红素和血红蛋白,对5种尿白蛋白检测方法进行干扰试验。

    Chosen common interfering substance in urine : bilirubin and haemoglobin to perform interference test on 5 methods of urinary albumin . 4 .

  5. 结果表明:傅立叶变换红外光谱法可方便地确认出人体结石中的羟磷灰石(尿结石)和胆红素钙、胆固醇及胆酸类物质(胆结石)。

    The results indicate that such chemical compositions of gallstones and urinary stones as calcium bilirubinate , cholesterol , cholic acid can easily be recognized in gallstones and hydroxyapatite in urinary stones .