
xì jīng guǎn
  • seminiferous tubules
细精管[xì jīng guǎn]
  1. 睾丸体积、脏器系数明显小于正常(P0.01),曲细精管中无精子生成,生精细胞稀少,部分管腔仅有支持细胞。

    The volume and organ coefficient were significant lower than that of the normal ( P0.01 ) . There were few spermatogenic cells and no spermatozoas could be seen in the seminiferous tubules , and only a few Sertoli cells found in some tubules .

  2. 实验结果发现,在幼龄阶段(2~4周龄),GDNF蛋白主要表达于间质细胞区,而在曲细精管内未见表达。

    In the immunostaining slides , GDNF was found positively expressed in the Leydig cell area from 2 to 4 weeks , and was found positive expressed in Leydig cells and in the seminiferous tubules after 2 months old .

  3. N·N′&己撑双(β-吡啶酰胺)对小鼠睾丸曲细精管影响的电镜观察

    Electronic Microscopy of Effect of N-N ′ - Hexylene his (β - Pyridine Carboxamide ) on Seminiferous Tubules in Mice

  4. 实验发现,大鼠皋丸间质结缔组织及血管壁接受NA能神经支配:此种带膨体荧光神经纤维发出分枝,伸进曲细精管壁;

    The experimental results showed that the interstitial tissue and the wall of blood vessels of testis and epididymides received noradrenergic nerve innervation .

  5. 方法:用GTW30mg/d灌喂SD雄性大鼠30d,然后用补肾毓麟汤及氯米芬分别治疗30d,在光、电镜下观察曲细精管中生精上皮的变化。

    Methods Male rats were fed with GTW 30mg / d , 30d .

  6. PKCδ阳性细胞存在于曲细精管中心部位。

    The positive PKC δ cells were observed in the center of the convoluted seminiferous tubule of the testes .

  7. 肾盂、曲细精管中未发现结石。结论:UU感染可导致大鼠泌尿道形成结石

    Conclusion : Infection with UU may lead to the production of calculus in urinary and reproductive system in male rats

  8. 小鼠的小肠上皮和睾丸组织对辐照反应较为敏感,7.5Gy~(60)Coγ射线即有严重杀伤作用,使睾丸曲细精管和小肠上皮的显微与亚显微结构出现明显的损伤;

    Small intestinal epithelium and testis are radiation sensitive organize . Microscopic structure and ultrastructure of small intestine and testis suffer serious da-mages after 7.5 Gy of ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - rays irradiation .

  9. 曲细精管平均细胞数、平均截面积与血浆睾酮水平正相关(P0.01),与血清抗精子抗体滴度无相关性(P0.05)。

    The average cell amount and the cross section area per seminiferous tubule showed significantly positive correlation sma testosterone ( P0.01 ), and no correlation with the titer of antibodies against sperm antigen .

  10. 雄性生殖干细胞(malegermstemcells,mGSCs)是性腺分化开始一直存在于睾丸曲细精管中、唯一能将遗传物质传递给后代的干细胞。

    Male germ stem cells ( mGSCs ) settle in testicular seminiferous tubules after the differentiation of genital gland and is the sole kind of adult stem cells which can transfer genetic matter to offspring .

  11. 病理组织学检查仅在260mg/kg组光镜下可见曲细精管内细胞层次减少,电镜下可见生精细胞线粒体轻度肿胀,支持细胞溶酶体增多。

    Light and electron microscopic examination might reveal slight alteration of germ cells and Leydig cells only in the group of 260 mg / kg .

  12. 第5d时,雄性的初级性索,仲入间充质内形成曲细精管及间质细胞群的原基。

    In the male at the 5th day , ihe primary sex cord extend to mesenchym to form the rudiment of convoluted seminiferous tubule and interstitial cells .

  13. 移植后受体小鼠曲细精管中如果恢复了正常的精子发生过程,则证明HSL的缺乏并不影响支持细胞的功能;

    Producing normal sperm in the seminiferous tubule of recipient mice after transplantation prove that the absence of HSL has no effect on the Sertoli cells .

  14. 将表达质粒pEBS与脂质体按一定比例混合,再加入适量的台盼蓝制成转染液,注入到小鼠睾丸中的曲细精管中,体内转染精原干细胞以探讨建立转基因小鼠的可行性。

    The mammary gland expression vector pEBS was mixed in proper ratio with liposome and trypan blue , then injected into seminiferous tubules of the mice testis .

  15. 免疫组织化学结果显示5只大鼠睾丸组织生精细胞中均有COX2表达,其中初级精母细胞为强阳性,COX2定位于曲细精管内的生精细胞。

    Expression of COX-2 was localized in spermatogenic cells on immunohistochemical study . No COX-2 expression in sertoli cells and leydig cells was found .

  16. 40mW·cm-25min组部分曲细精管内几乎无细胞,损伤达坏死极限;

    In 40 mW · cm-2 5 min group , there were nearly no cells found in some convoluted seminiferous tubules , and necrosis was severe .

  17. 服药(每天30mg/kg)8周的大鼠睾丸切片结果显示,6-MG对曲细精管的损伤比棉酚弱得多。

    The results also showed that the damage of seminiferous tubule of rat testis by 6-MG and gossypol were time dependent , but the damage by 6-MG was significantly weaker than that by gossypol .

  18. 鳖睾丸切面上主要由许多曲细精管组成,缺少直细精管和睾丸网,曲细精管之间为间质细胞和毛细血管。

    There were interstitial cells and capillary among convoluted seminiferous tubule .

  19. 高剂量组曲细精管管腔中无精子;

    No sperm was found in seminiferous tubules of high dose groups .

  20. 锰对猪睾丸曲细精管精子密度及琥珀酸脱氢酶活性的研究

    The Effect of Manganese on the Activity of Succinate Dehydrogenase and Sperm Concentration

  21. 分离的大鼠睾丸曲细精管体外重组的观察

    Observations on the reorganization of the seminiferous tubules of the rat testis in vitro

  22. 用曲细精管微注射法建立绿色荧光蛋白转基因小鼠

    Construction of transgenic mice carrying enhanced green fluorescent protein gene by seminiferous tubule microinjection

  23. 小鼠生精周期表皮生长因子受体在睾丸曲细精管的分布

    Distribution of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor during the Cycle of the Seminiferous Epithelium in Mice

  24. 头帽期,精母细胞层和曲细精管基部酶反应颗粒明显增多;

    The layers of spermatocytes and basal chambers of seminiferous epithelia displayed weak AcPase reaction .

  25. 菟丝子总黄酮对大鼠睾丸曲细精管无血清培养所致细胞凋亡的保护作用

    Semen cuscutae flavonoids protect cells of rat seminiferous tubule from apoptosis induced by serum withdraw

  26. 趋化素样因子-1致不育小鼠睾丸曲细精管的病理改变

    Pathological changes in seminiferous tubules in infertility rats induced by chemokine - like factor I

  27. 采用曲细精管注射的方法使小鼠睾丸充盈率达到50%左右。

    Seminiferous tubules injection method was used and 50 % of mouse testis was injected .

  28. 氯化镉和硫酸镍联合慢性染毒对大鼠睾丸曲细精管的影响

    Effects of Chronic Combined Cadmium Chloride and Nickel Vitriol on Seminiferous Tubules in Male Rat Testis

  29. 曲细精管固有膜增厚、变性(43例,71.7%);

    Increased thickness of lamina propria associated with tissue hyalinization ( 43 cases , 71.7 % );

  30. 采用原位缺口平移技术观察睾丸曲细精管中细胞凋亡数目的变化。

    The apoptosis of spermatogenic cells was studied with in situ nick translation ( ISNT ) technique .