
xì bāo shēnɡ wù huà xué
  • cellular biochemistry
  1. 随后的研究主要集中在CyPs的细胞生物化学的作用上。

    Subsequent studies focused on the role of CyPs in cellular biochemistry .

  2. 这是细胞生物化学与生物物理学的网页。

    This is the web page of Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics .

  3. 单位:一所大学的细胞与生物化学实验室。

    SETTING : Laboratory of Cell and Biochemistry in a university .

  4. 水是细胞发生生物化学反应的介质。

    Water is the medium in which the cell 's biochemical reactions take place .

  5. 他们发现神经降压素的影响依赖于细胞内生物化学信号途径。

    Neurotensin 's influence , they found , depends on biochemical signaling pathways inside the cell .

  6. 皮肤损伤愈合是机体保持组织完整性的一个有组织的过程,需要炎症细胞、生物化学介质之间的复杂作用。

    Skin wound healing is an organized process for keeping cutaneous integrity , which needs the complicated interaction between inflammatory cells and biochemical mediators .

  7. 研究表明乳头抽吸液中含有多种细胞和生物化学成分,其中不乏对乳腺癌诊断和预后具有指导意义的肿瘤标记物。

    Re - searches find that nipple aspirate fluid contains a variety of cellular and distinctive biochemical com - pounds , even including several important tumor markers which are correlated with early diagnosis and prognosis of breast cancer .

  8. USANA的科技人员,包括人类营养学专家,细胞生物学,生物化学,天然产物化学及临床研究。

    USANA 's scientific staff includes experts on human nutrition , cellular biology , biochemistry , natural product chemistry , and clinical research .

  9. 小鼠精子表面凝集素受体的细胞化学与生物化学的初步研究

    Primary study on Cytochemistry and biochemistry of lectin receptor in sperm surface of mouse

  10. 细胞调节的生物化学丛书

    The Biochemistry of Cellular Regulation

  11. 荧光探针作为一类重要的检测物质,广泛应用于分子生物学、细胞生物学、生物化学、医学、化工等方面。

    As an important technical mean , fluorescent probes have been widely used in molecular biology , cell biology , biochemistry , chemical engineering and medicine .

  12. 他说:“如果你能制造成以蛇的细胞生物学和生物化学为基础的感受器,你就能使人工感受器技术显著发展。”

    " If you can build a sensor that 's based upon the cell biology and biochemistry " of snakes , he says ," you could make some extraordinary advancements in artificial sensor technology . "

  13. 本文采用了生物力学、细胞生物学、生物化学及分子生物学等方法,研究机械拉伸对成骨细胞力生长因子表达的影响和力生长因子对成骨细胞增殖和分化以及相关基因的影响。

    The effects of mechanical stretching on the expression of mechano growth factor and the effects of mechano growth factor on proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts were studied through biomechanical , cell biological and molecular biology methods .

  14. Fe(Ⅲ)在细胞内的许多生物化学过程中扮演重要的角色。

    Fe3 + plays a major role in many biochemical processes at the cellular level .

  15. 扫描电镜(SEM)观察细胞生长情况,生物化学检测和实时定量PCR检测DPSCs的分化能力。

    At different time points during cells cultured , scanning electronic microscopy ( SEM ), biochemical tests and real-time PCR to observe differentiation potential of DPSCs . 3 .

  16. 目前应用较多、重复性较好的性别鉴定方法主要有细胞遗传学方法、生物化学方法、免疫学方法和分子生物学方法等。

    The main methods of sex identification include cytogenetics , biochemistry , immunology and molecular biology .

  17. 这些分析方法可以包括基于动物的,细胞培养的,生物化学的或配位体/受体螯合的分析方法。

    These can include animal-based , cell culture-based , biochemical , or ligand / receptor-binding assays .

  18. 代谢组作为基因组表达的最终产物,直接决定细胞或组织的生物化学表型,代谢组学研究可以更好地解析细胞质雄性不育形成的生化机制。

    Metabolome , as the final products of genome expression , directly defines the biochemistry characteristics of a cell or tissue , so metabolomic data can be used to better explain the biochemical mechanisms for CMS formation .

  19. 在体内,力学负荷可以抑制骨吸收,增加骨形成,骨细胞可以将力学信号转变成细胞生物化学合成反应。

    Mechanical loading can inhibit bone resorption and increase bone formation in vivo .

  20. 目的建立高纯度人活性破骨细胞方法,用于对破骨细胞生物化学和分子生物学的研究。

    Objective To establish a method for obtaining highly purified primary human osteoclast precursors for the biochemical and molecular biological research .

  21. 荧光染色法是一种敏感的细胞化学染色法,它可以反映出细胞生物化学成分的微小变化。

    Fluorescent staining method is a sensitive cytochemical staining method , it can reflect minimal changes of biochemical components of cells .

  22. 细胞对机械刺激的响应包括信号感受、信号转导和最终引起细胞生物化学反应的过程。

    The responses can be divided into three main events : stimulus perception , generation and transmission of a signal , and subsequent changes in downstream biochemical processes .