
xì bāo xínɡ
  • cellular type
  1. 术后病理报告:何杰金氏混合细胞型1例;非何杰金氏B细胞型10例,T细胞型1例。

    Postoperative pathological diagnosis showed one Hodgkin 's mixed cellular type , 10 cases non-Hodgkin 's B - cellular type , one T - cellular type and one T - cellular type .

  2. 桂花的胚乳发育类型为细胞型。

    The endosperm development of Osmanthus fragrans was cellular type .

  3. 软骨母细胞型骨肉瘤的MRI增强形式与组织病理学的相关性研究

    Correlation between MRI enhancement and histopathology of chondroblastic osteosarcoma

  4. 胆管细胞型肝癌的CT、DSA表现

    CT and DSA Findings of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma

  5. CT与肿瘤标记物对非小细胞型肺癌N2淋巴结转移的预测作用探讨

    The prognostic action of chest computed tomographic ( CT ) and tumor marker of non small lung cancer N 2 lymphatic metastasis

  6. 人N-ras癌基因细胞型特异DNA结合蛋白

    Call-Type Specific DNA Binding Proteins of Activated Human N-ras Oncogene

  7. 结果45例病例中,33例为B细胞型,10例为T细胞型,2例为浆细胞白血病。

    Results 33 of 45 cases were diagnosed as B-cell leukemia , 10 of 45 cases as T-cell leukemia , 2 of 45 cases as plasma cell leukemia .

  8. 癌基因c-fos和c-jun在肝细胞型肝癌中的表达及临床意义

    Expression and clinical significance of oncogene c-fos and c-jun in hepatocellular carcinoma

  9. 在此方法的基础上,以计算n平方的细胞型膜系统的设计来说明其设计的一般过程,通过实验证明此方法的有效性和可行性。

    On the basis of this method , taking the automatic design of a cell-like membrane system for calculating the square of N for example to illustrate the general process of the design .

  10. 病理诊断IP的前提是肺组织结构完全消失,其具体形态分为2型:纤维组织细胞型及浆细胞肉芽肿型。

    The premise of pathologic diagnosis of lung IP is the total disappearance of lung structure . IP can be divided into two subtypes in pathology : fibrohistocytic type and plasma cell granuloma .

  11. 同时对转录因子E2F1作为一种新的生发中心B细胞型DLBCL的判断指标的可行性进行探讨。

    Whether E2F1 can be used as a germinal center B cell DLBCL marker was also discussed .

  12. Cox多因素分析显示,Ⅲ、Ⅳ期、B症状及T细胞型,是影响预后的独立不良因素(P<0.05)。

    Based on Cox multivariate analysis , stage ⅲ - ⅳ, B symptoms and T cell phenotype of the disease were the independent adverse prognostic factors ( P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 梭形细胞型胸腺瘤Bcl2蛋白均为阳性。

    Bcl 2 expression was highly associated with the spindle thymomas .

  14. 目的:探讨内皮细胞型一氧化氮合酶(eNOS)基因(CA)n二核苷酸重复序列基因多态性在中国汉族人群中的分布。

    Objective : To explore the distribution of the ( CA ) n dinucleotide repeats polymorphism of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase ( eNOS ) gene in Chinese han nationality .

  15. 为了研究国人B细胞型急性淋巴细胞白血病(Ball)免疫表型特点,使用了四色流式细胞术CD45/SSC设门分析181例Ball的免疫表型。

    To investigate the characteristics of immunophenotype of B lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia ( B ALL ) cells in Chinese cases , B ALL cells from 181 patients were analyzed by 4 color flow cytometry with CD45 / SSC gating .

  16. 组织病理学分型,透明血管型(HV)9例、浆细胞型(PC)2例,混合型(Mix)3例。

    According to the histopathologic typing , 9 cases was of hyaline vascular type ( HV ), 2 cases of plasma type ( PC ), 3 cases of mixed type ( Mix ) .

  17. CD34和FⅧRAg在血管瘤样型表达强,梭形细胞型表达弱(P0.01)。

    CD34 and F ⅷ RAg expression was significantly different among three types ( P 0.01 ), strong in the angiomatous type , weak in the spindle cell type .

  18. 郑州黑腹果蝇自然群体P-M细胞型多态性研究

    A Study on P M Cytotype Polymorphism in a Natural Population of Drosophila Melanogaster in China

  19. 方法13例诊断为脑膜淋巴瘤的患者,其中原发性中枢神经系统淋巴瘤5例,均为非霍奇金淋巴瘤B细胞型(NHL-B);

    Methods We described 13 patients who presented with a neoplastic meningitis of lymphomatous origin , including 5 cases of PCNSL ( all NHL-B );

  20. 分别从4峰双峰驼全血中提取基因组总DNA,用所设计的引物扩增了细胞型朊蛋白(PrP)基因,并克隆到pMD18-T载体。

    Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral whole-blood of four Camelus bactrianus respectively . The PrP gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction using a pair of primers , and then cloned into pMD 18-T Vector .

  21. 按WHO分类,72.7%(16/22)为弥漫大B细胞型(DLBCL)、27.3%(6/22)为粘膜相关淋巴样组织淋巴瘤(MALT)。

    According to WHO classification , 16 ( 72.7 % ) were diffuse large B-cell lymphoma ( DLBCL ), and 6 ( 27.3 % ) were mucosa associated lymphoid tissue ( MALT ) lymphoma .

  22. 目的探讨母细胞型套细胞淋巴瘤(BVMCL)的病理特征、免疫表型、诊断和鉴别诊断。

    Objective To observe the morphologic and immunohistochemical features of blastic variant of mantle cell lymphoma ( BV-MCL ), and to investigate it diagnosis and differential diagnosis .

  23. 5天时四组细胞型胶原合成情况无明显差异,但10天时B组细胞的型胶原平均灰度值明显高于其它三组(P0.01)。

    There was no significant difference in type I collagen synthesis between four groups on the 5th day ; but mean gray scale of type I collagen in group B was significantly higher than that in the other groups on the 10th day ( P0.01 ) .

  24. Titinab阳性率与不同胸腺瘤病理类型有关,其中上皮细胞型胸腺瘤组最高(95.1%);

    The positive rate of Titin ab was mainly related to the thymic pathology and was the highest in the thymic epithelial thymoma ( TET ) subgroup ( 95 1 % ) .

  25. 采用性腺败育(GD不育)作为标准检定方法,对我国东部沿海14个地方的(北纬20°~40°)黑腹果蝇的P因子活性和细胞型进行了测定。

    Using gonadal dysgenesis ( GD ) as the standard method of assays , the P element activity and cytotypes of 14 strains collected from eastern part of coastal areas in China have been measured , which are situated from 20 ° north latitude to 40 ° north latitude .

  26. 黏液型/圆细胞型脂肪肉瘤FUS-CHOP融合基因及其诊断价值的研究

    Study of FUS - CHOP Fusion Gene and Its Diagnostic Significance for Myxoid / round Cell Liposarcomas

  27. 改良BFM-90方案明显改善儿童青少年淋巴母细胞型淋巴瘤的疗效德国BFM-90淋巴母方案是目前治疗儿童青少年淋巴母细胞型淋巴瘤疗效最好的方案之一。

    Modified BFM-90 regimen greatly improves treatment outcomes of Chinese childhood and adolescent lymphoblastic lymphoma BFM - 90 regimen for lymphoblastic lymphoma is one of the most effective regimens .

  28. 整合素β1的表达水平与骨肉瘤Dahlin分型、年龄及性别无关,而与骨母细胞型骨肉瘤以及骨肉瘤总体死亡率相关。

    The expression levels of integrin β _ ( 1 ) was not related to Dahlin classification of osteosarcoma , age and sex , but significantly increased in the osteoblast type and was related to poor survival .

  29. 淋巴母细胞型淋巴瘤40例临床疗效及预后分析改良BFM-90方案治疗20例儿童青少年淋巴母细胞型淋巴瘤

    Treatment results and prognosis of lymphoblastic lymphoma : A report on 40 patients Efficacy of Modified BFM-90 Regimen on Children and Adolescents with T Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma : a Report of 20 Cases

  30. TSEs由细胞型朊病毒蛋白PrP~C转变成致病型朊病毒蛋白PrP~(Sc)引起,因此也称朊病毒病。

    Based on the protein only hypothesis , TSE is caused by the conversion of a normal cellular prion protein ( PrP ~ C ) into a pathogenic , infectious isoform , which has been commonly referred to as scrapie prion protein ( PrP ~ Sc ) .