
  • 网络BEC;Cambridge BEC;BEC Vantage;BEC Preliminary
  1. 我通过了剑桥商务英语高级考试。

    I 've passed BEC Higher Level .

  2. 剑桥商务英语口试中考生的常见问题及对策此外,还是剑桥商务英语高级口语考官。

    Problems arising in the BEC speaking test and solutions Besides , she has been engaging in BEC advanced oral testing as an examiner .

  3. BEC(剑桥商务英语)中级口语考试模式的分析与应试技巧的探讨

    The Exam Analysis and Skills for the Speaking-Test of the Business English Certificate Vantage

  4. 基于剑桥商务英语证书考试(BEC)的任务型商务英语教学

    BEC-Task-based Business English Teaching Practice

  5. BEC交际口语测试为我国英语口语教学和口语测试提供了一个研究、学习的范例。剑桥商务英语口试中考生的常见问题及对策

    BEC communicative speaking test provides a model for oral English teaching and testing in China . Problems arising in the BEC speaking test and solutions

  6. 任务型教学在剑桥商务英语课程中的应用

    On the Application of Task-based Language Teaching in BEC Course

  7. 新编剑桥商务英语自测练习与解答。

    Pass Cambridge BEC Higher self-study practice tests with key .

  8. 剑桥商务英语课程的特色及教学实践

    Features of BEC Course and the Teaching Practice

  9. 剑桥商务英语课程教学体会及与相关学科关联度分析(英国牛津、剑桥的)钦定讲座教授

    The Linkage Between the Cambridge Business English Certificate ( BEC ) Course and the Major Management Disciplines a R - professor

  10. 高校英语应用能力考试与高职英语教学此外,还是剑桥商务英语高级口语考官。

    Practical English Test for Colleges and Higher Vocational English Teaching Besides , she has been engaging in BEC advanced oral testing as an examiner .

  11. 以往的考试结果表明,剑桥商务英语考试中句子填空是大多数考生感觉最难把握的部分之一。

    As indicated in the previous tests , the sentence-filling section in the reading part of BEC test has always been the most difficult part for most students .

  12. 案例教学法和任务教学法符合剑桥商务英语教学目标的要求,能切实提高学生在具体的商务环境中实际运用英语语言的能力。

    Case method of instruction and task-based approach are in accordance with the requirement of BEC teaching goal , for they could improve English application capacity in concrete business environment .

  13. 范文示例用书推荐《剑桥标准商务英语教程》(CambridgeBusinessBenchmark)剑桥大学出版社出版。

    Cambridge BEC Vantage 2 ( Student Book with Answers )

  14. 本文以《剑桥国际商务英语》为例,从听说读写等方面对商务英语的教学方法作了一番探讨。

    In this paper , authors take " Cambridge International Business English " as example and introduce the teaching methods from the following aspects : listening , speaking , reading , writing .