
  • 网络Operation error;misoperation;operational failure
  1. 由于工厂停电、设备故障或操作失误等原因,可能导致紧急放空,对环境造成污染。

    The emergency venting incurred due to power cut-off , equipment failure or misoperation may pollute the environment .

  2. 结果表明,基于HCR模型的大化集团公司操纵员的人因操作失误模型实用、有效,为实现操作者与机器系统相协调的目标、正确评估操作着实时操作的响应时间提供了重要参考依据。

    The results show that the human operation error model based on HCR was practical and effective . This model is of significance in harmonizing operators with operation system and accurately evaluating the real time operating response time of the operator as well .

  3. 其他B类不确定度则要靠设计更好的测试方法,在测量过程中避免人为的操作失误等来降低不确定度。

    Other Type B uncertainty can reduce by designing better method , avoiding artificial operative errors and so on .

  4. 用面向Agent封装功能部件,并在对象模型中添加故障知识、属性和操作失误等。

    Function components were enveloped with object Agent , and fault knowledge , attribute and state of operation wrong was added in object model .

  5. 还有,在管理员操作失误时也需要更改UID或GID。

    Other times , you need to make a change because an administrator has made an error .

  6. 基于人的认知可靠性(HCR)模型的人因操作失误研究

    Study on Erroneous Operation due to Human Factor Based on Human Cognitive Reliability ( HCR ) Model

  7. 但是,RTK测量缺少必要的检核条件,作业时如果操作失误或某些技术问题处理不当,都将给测量成果带来严重影响。

    If the operational misplay or dealing unsuitable with several technical problems in job , it would bring the strictness affection to the achievement because of RTK survey lacking of essential check condition yet .

  8. 由于升温还原CB-9低变催化剂过程中的操作失误,导致催化剂被浸泡、超温等。

    Due to operational errors during CB-9 low temperature shift catalyst temperature-rising reduction , catalyst is soaked and overheating .

  9. 改良TEP术主要操作失误是分破腹膜和疝囊、游离腹壁下血管,术中失误总的发生率为27.58%。

    05 ) . ( 2 ) The main operate miss was peritoneal or hernial sac laceration and mistaken dissection of the inferior epigastric vessels in modified TEP . Its general occurrence rate is 27.58 % .

  10. 操作失误纯粹归因于粗心大意。

    The operating error was due to carelessness pure and simple .

  11. 267例次胸腔闭式引流操作失误11例次(4.1%)。

    Incorrect closed thoracic drainage occurred in 11 cases ( 4.1 % ) .

  12. 如有操作失误,根据设置,系统会自动提示。

    If there were mistakes , the systems will give a message automatically .

  13. 综放工作面微气候对工人操作失误影响研究

    Study on the Micro-environment 's Influence on Human Operating Errors for Fully-mechanized Top-coal Caving

  14. 这次失事是飞行员操作失误引起的。

    The crash was credited to pilot error .

  15. 人为操作失误导致的油污事故,使海洋环境遭到前所未有的威胁。

    Oil pollution accidents caused by human errors have been unprecedentedly imperiled marine environment .

  16. 奖励还是惩罚:金融企业控制操作失误的激励机制研究

    Encouragement or Punishment : A Study of Incentive Mechanism Preventing Operational Mistakes in Financial Enterprise

  17. 失误机器错误动作,机器出错程序检测误差系统的操作失误;系统故障

    machine malfunction program sensitive malfunction system malfunction

  18. 引起起重机设备与人身伤亡事故的重要原因往往是操作失误。

    Maloperation is one of the important causes for crane accidents with personnel injury and death .

  19. 溃疡复发的原因大多与首次手术设计与操作失误有关。

    The causes of recurrence , were mostly related to the design and mistakes of operation .

  20. 在不断的反复练习之后,我的操作失误减少了;

    By repeated them over and over again , I made less mistakes than I was ;

  21. 然而,由于操作失误、人为破坏以及自然不可抗拒力等原因,大规模的停电事故时有发生。

    But large-scale blackouts always occurred because of the operation mistakes , man-made destruction and natural force .

  22. 但是,保用不包括由于粗心大意或操作失误而造成的损坏。

    However , warranty do not cover any damage arise In consequence of negligence or Improper manipulation .

  23. 已经改进了名册确认方面,让玩家不会无意中操作失误。

    Improvements have been made to the roster confirmation screen , so that players aren 't accidently released .

  24. 任何一个环节出现问题或操作失误,都将会造成恶性的火灾爆炸事故及人身伤亡事故。

    A part of any problems or errors , will cause malignant fire explosion accident and casualty accidents .

  25. 我国会计信息失真可分为会计信息的非法造假和会计人员的操作失误。

    The distortions of accounting information in China include the illegally artificial accounting information and the misoperations of accountants .

  26. 事故调查报告认为,飞行速度传感器和飞行员操作失误共同导致了这次造成228人死亡的空难。

    An accident report blamed faulty air speed sensors and pilot error for the crash that killed 228 people .

  27. 20世纪60年代,工程师想出了一种方法来解决一种尤为常见和灾难性的飞行员操作失误。

    In the 1960s engineers figured out a way to address a particularly common and catastrophic type of pilot error .

  28. 然而,由于自然不可抗力、人为操作失误等因素,电网的故障却不可避免。

    However , the power system may be interrupted inevitably by man-made operation mistakes , natural force and other factors .

  29. 服务员的操作失误可能导致服务台故障而使其服务时间延长;

    Lapse of the operators may lead to the ill function of the service station , which will prolong the service time .

  30. 结论:手术操作失误是医源性损伤的主要原因,嵌顿疝急诊手术时则更容易发生损伤。

    Conclusion : Wrongly performed operation technique was mainly responsible for iatrogenic injury . Injury occurs more easily during incarcerated hernia emergency operation .