
xīn guì
  • upstart;parvenu;person newly appointed to high post
新贵 [xīn guì]
  • [parvenu;person newly appointed to high post] 新近作高官的人;新的贵族

新贵[xīn guì]
  1. 但是,如果再有一家新贵公司吸引走了facebook的用户怎么办?

    But what happens when the next upstart distracts the attention of Facebook users ?

  2. 印度德里高等法院下达针对中国智能手机新贵小米公司(Xiaomi)的一项禁令,这则消息提醒了我们,中国智能手机制造商还有多长的路要走。

    News that India 's High Court of Delhi issued an injunction against Chinese smartphone upstart Xiaomi was a reminder of how much Chinese smartphone makers still have to grow .

  3. 正如《名利场》杂志(VanityFair)所说,科技宅是当今的“新贵”。

    Techies are the " New Establishment , " as Vanity Fair calls them .

  4. CCTV英语频道:两大优势成就传媒新贵

    CCTV English Channel : Two advantages Build a new media Star

  5. 追赶Google的竞赛开始时,正值这家互联网新贵在持续加强对搜索业务的控制。

    The race to catch up with Google comes as the internet upstart continues to strengthen its grip on searching .

  6. 研究人员们说,新贵喜欢路易威登(LouisVuitton)标识。

    Parvenus love the Louis Vuitton logo , the researchers say .

  7. 面对诸多紧随其后的对手,日益严峻的竞争促使迅速成长的移动支付新贵Square不断强化自己的管理队伍。

    Square , the fast-growing mobile payments startup , is beefing up its management ranks as it faces intensifying competition from a number of well-heeled rivals .

  8. 如果说有什么区别的话,T-Mobile看起来是成功的新贵,它赢得用户的速度超过Sprint流失用户的速度。

    If anything , T-Mobile , which has been gaining subscribers faster than Sprint has been losing them , looks like the successful upstart .

  9. 在此期间,总部位于密苏里州的新贵BATSTrading对两家交易所构成了强有力的挑战&它目前占了美国总股票营业额的8-10%,即每天40至50亿美元。

    BATS Trading , a Missouri-based upstart , has meanwhile presented a formidable challenge to both - it now accounts for 8-10 per cent of total US equities turn-over of $ 4bn - $ 5bn a day .

  10. Minecraft业已成为游戏业的新贵,而且发展势头没有显示出一丝放缓的迹象。

    And minecraft has become a gaming phenom with no signs of slowing down .

  11. 戴姆勒(Daimler)和宝马(BMW)等老牌制造商,以及特斯拉(Tesla)和谷歌(Google)等高科技新贵,据悉都已请了格迪斯教授这样的专家探讨伦理问题。

    Established manufacturers including Daimler and BMW , as well as tech upstarts such as Tesla and Google , are known to have engaged experts such as Prof Gerdes to discuss ethical questions .

  12. 来自法国卡斯特12处著名酒庄之一的珍藏级AOC,愿献予新贵鉴赏家们一同品鉴。

    The wine , which comes from one of the12 famous French Castel wine estates , is a precious AOC and excellent gift for noble connoisseurs .

  13. 为支持匹诺的发展,业内新贵ZNP给玩具制造商和书商们发放了许可证。

    To bankroll5 it 's development , upstart6 ZNP licenses Pino to toy makers and book publishers .

  14. 该书描绘了上世纪80年代华尔街那个尔虞我诈的世界,那时,传统的经营方式被KKR这样的新贵完全颠覆,什么事都有可能发生,也确实发生了。

    It captures the cut-throat world of 1980s Wall Street , a time when anything could , and did , happen as the traditional way of doing business was turned on its head by upstarts such as KKR .

  15. 太古地产的销售代表否认Opus公寓样板间的设计是为了迎合中国内地新贵喜欢浮华的品位。样板间装了许多枝形吊灯,厨房则处处银光闪闪。

    Sales representatives of Swire Properties deny that the design of the Opus show flat - plenty of chandeliers and a kitchen featuring lots of silver - is meant to appeal to the flamboyant tastes of nouveau riche mainland Chinese buyers .

  16. 第四季度销量排第六的是新贵智能手机生产商小米(Xiaomi),市场份额为6%,较大约三年前该公司首次开始销售手机时有大幅上升。

    Lagging just outside of the top five in the quarter is upstart smartphone maker , Xiaomi , with 6 % of the market , a significant jump from about three years ago when the company first began offering phones .

  17. 不过伊曼纽尔表示,在wme这样一个由年轻的新贵与好莱坞历史最悠久的经纪公司相结合的产物,这正是他和怀特塞尔努力打造的新文化的一部分。

    But Mr Emanuel says this is part of the culture he and Mr Whitesell have tried to engender at WME , as a combination of a young , upstart agency with the oldest in Hollywood .

  18. 米兰达的汉密尔顿是个“年轻、好斗、饥渴”的新贵,从纽约街头开始打拼,全凭自己的本事,跟Jay-Z的霍雷肖·阿尔杰(HoratioAlger)式成功轨迹颇有些相似。汉密尔顿有种接近Tupac和NotoriousB.I.G.的宿命倾向。

    Miranda 's Hamilton is a " young , scrappy and hungry " " upstart , whose bootstrapping rise from the streets of New York resonates with the Horatio Alger trajectories of rappers like Jay Z. Hamilton has a fatalistic streak in the manner of Tupac and the Notorious B.I.G.

  19. 绯闻少女:起床吧,上东区的新贵们!

    Gossip girl : Up and at'em , upper east siders .

  20. 与此同时,新贵脱颖而出。

    New names have meanwhile arrived as if from nowhere .

  21. 食品、健康行业榜上富豪新贵

    The new rich people in the list of food and nutraceutical industry

  22. 住别墅开高档汽车中国百万身价新贵最怕啥?

    A high-grade cars in China villa million worth hot most Pasha ?

  23. 资本家:这些新贵或者是工厂主,或者是企业家。

    Capitalists : These are the newly rich factory owners and entrepreneurs .

  24. 你认为中国的新贵们是什么样的?

    What do you think the new Chinese rich are really like ?

  25. 在这个名门新贵中我将尽最好的为你们服务!

    I will do my best serve for you in the family .

  26. 我喜欢把匡威看作一个一百岁的新贵。

    I like to think of Converse as a100-year-old upstart .

  27. 微博客:图书馆的下一个网络新贵工具

    Micro-blog : Next Web Tool of the Library for the New Generation

  28. 莫斯科建筑1997年&商贸·权力·新贵

    Architecture in Moscow in 1997 - Trade , Power and The Noveau Riche

  29. 让这个商界新贵跟家人决裂

    Rip the golden boy away from his family ,

  30. 日本广告新贵&户外广告

    The Popular Media in Japan : Outdoor Advertisement