
  • 网络last christmas;Wham - Last Christmas
  1. 今天下午,我学习了一首名为《去年圣诞》的歌曲。

    I learned a new song called LAST CHRISTMAS this afternoon .

  2. 去年圣诞,堂兄弗雷德的现身受到热烈欢迎。出现;

    last Christmas , when there 'd been the welcome appearance of Cousin Fred .

  3. 在英美各大门店,FineTreillageRoseGold款戒指在去年圣诞假期期间供不应求。

    The Fine Treillage Rose Gold ring sold out over Christmas in stores in Britain and America .

  4. 尽管美联储(fed)可能还不用感到恐慌,但瓦里安表示,谷歌价格指数显示,自去年圣诞以来,美国网购商品价格出现“非常清晰的通缩趋势”。

    While the Federal Reserve is unlikely to panic just yet , Mr Varian said that the GPI shows a " very clear deflationary trend " for web-traded goods in the US since Christmas .

  5. iPhone6蓄势待发:休伯蒂接触到的大部分苹果分包商,都预期到12月,iPhone6的需求将比去年圣诞期间的热卖机型iPhone5S高出20%。

    iPhone 6 build-up : Most of the Apple subcontractors she spoke to expect demand for the new iPhone 6 by December will be 20 % better than demand was for last year 's big Christmas seller , the iPhone 5S .

  6. 去年圣诞夜你怎么过的?

    A : How did you spend Christmas Eve last year ?

  7. 去年圣诞我没回家?

    Wasn 't I home Iast christmas ?

  8. 这个就是去年圣诞发生的真实的故事。

    That 's it . that 's the true story of what happened last christmas .

  9. 去年圣诞,当我问你我为什么不能得到一匹马的时候。

    Last Christmas , when I wanted to know why I didn 't get a horse .

  10. 去年圣诞,有240万购物者没有在实体店买过东西。

    Last Christmas 2.4 million shoppers did not do any of their shopping in actual shops .

  11. 去年圣诞夜弥撒期间,也是这名女子试图跳过栅栏接近教皇。

    She was the same person who tried to jump a to get close to the pope at last year 's Christmas Mass .

  12. 这位32岁的英国女演员将和演过《真爱至上》艾玛·汤普森联合出演《去年圣诞》,艾玛也是该剧的联合编剧。

    The 32-year-old British actress is starring in the holiday rom-com Last Christmas , co-starring Love Actually 's Emma Thompson , who co-wrote the script .

  13. 我从去年圣诞就开始准备今年的圣诞节一月的促销是收集打折信息的好地方。

    I have been preparing for this Christmas since the end of the last one - January sales are a great place to pick up bargains .

  14. 你是去年的圣诞老人。

    You were Santa last year . Joey : I dunno .

  15. 看这个,是去年圣诞节圣诞老人给我的!

    Hey , You know this , Santa gave me last Christmas !

  16. 你怎可能会没得到?你是去年的圣诞老人。

    How could you not get it ? You were Santa last year .

  17. 另有七张照片被印在了他们家去年的圣诞卡上。

    Seven of the photos were featured in the family 's Christmas card last year .

  18. 虽然骑士在去年的圣诞大战中主场战胜了勇士,但是这场胜利对之后六月的总决赛并没有什么影响。

    Cleveland won at home on Christmas against Golden State last year ; it meant nothing come late June .

  19. 去年,圣诞老人镇来了150个“圣诞老人的精灵”,来帮助孩子们圣诞梦想成真。

    Last year , a total of 150 elves showed up to help make children 's Christmas dreams come true .

  20. 我真的享受了去年的圣诞,我情不自禁的期待着今年的圣诞到来!

    I really enjoy the last Christmas , I can 't help looking forward to this year 's christmas arrival !

  21. 去年约翰刘易斯圣诞广告里那个温暖人心的小男孩让每个看完广告的观众都泪眼朦胧。

    Last year it was a little boy with a big heart who left viewers misty-eyed in the John Lewis Christmas commercial .

  22. 真实故事:去年,VideoJug圣诞聚会的邀请函就选用的Curlz字体,字体颜色全部选择的是红色和绿色。这让整个办公室的人都大倒胃口。

    TRUE STORY : the email invite to last year 's VideoJug Christmas Party was written entirely in red and green " Curlz " and the entire office was sick blood .

  23. 去年发行了《圣诞怪杰》的录像带。

    The Grinch was released last year on video .

  24. 他们去年在澳洲度过圣诞新年,因为那儿和暖得多。

    They spent the holidays in Australia last year because it was much warmer there .

  25. 去年有些政客抱怨圣诞灯饰不环保,因为太浪费电了。

    Vicki : Last year , some politicians complained that the Christmas lights were not eco-friendly because they use so much energy .

  26. 我想要像去年一样深信不疑&圣诞老人是个穿红衣的胖精灵。

    I wanted to believe like I believed last year & that Santa was a big fat elf in a red suit .

  27. 自2014年起,剧组只在去年发布了维多利亚圣诞特辑《神探夏洛克:可恶的新娘》,除此之外并没有发布过新的内容。

    With the exception of last year 's Victorian Christmas special The Abominable Bride , Sherlock hasn 't released new installments since 2014 .