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qù zhí
  • Dismissal;no longer hold the post
去职 [qù zhí]
  • [no longer hold the post] 离开职务;不再担任原来的职务

去职[qù zhí]
  1. SimonYuan就是瑞信最近招聘的员工之一,他从美林(MerrillLynch)去职后,担任瑞信大中华区金融机构业务联席主管。

    Among the bank 's recent hires are Simon Yuan , who quit Merrill Lynch to co-head its greater China financial institutions coverage .

  2. 琳达:我们得请海自动去职。

    Linda : We 're going to have to let Helen go .

  3. 同年12月叶利钦总统去职,普京成为代总统。

    When Yeltsin stepped down that December , Putin became the acting president .

  4. 许多沙特观察人士都曾在预测这位沙特石油部长即将去职后被迫尴尬地收回前言。

    Many Saudi-watchers have been forced into embarrassing recantations after predicting the oil minister 's demise .

  5. 大卫德威茨先生认为普里斯勒必将去职,因为他已无可信度可言。

    Mr davidowitz thinks Mr Pressler will have to go because he has lost all credibility .

  6. 本人去职原因,是希望在广告业方面发展。

    My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business .

  7. 若是你的告退筹备时刻充沛的话,你的去职也会很轻松,交接工作也会很顺遂。

    If you take some time to get ready , before you quit your job , you will be set for a smooth transition .

  8. 这项抵制与总统巴波涉及的暴力事件有关,巴波在去年11月选举失利后,国际压力就要求巴波去职。

    The boycott is related to violence said to be tied to President Gbagbo , who is under international pressure to step down after losing elections in November .

  9. 耶路撒冷的很多人认为,奥尔默特的去职,被视为是推动美国斡旋的以色列和巴勒斯坦的谈判机会。以色列和巴勒斯坦的谈判因长期存在的问题而陷入僵局。

    Olmert 's departure is seen by many here as an opportunity to move ahead with U.S. - mediated negotiations with the Palestinians , which have been stalled over longstanding issues .

  10. 为李昌平祷告。他原是一政府公务员,因写信给总理揭露贫困农民的惨状而被迫去职。

    Pray for former official Li Changping , who was forced out of his job in Hubei for writing a report to the Premier exposing the desperate plight of poor farmers .

  11. 轻易涌上心头的伪善让我稍觉不安,于是我设法找到了他,告诉他自己对他的去职感到遗憾,并祝愿他一路走好。

    Feeling slightly uneasy at the hypocrisy that comes so easily to me , I hunted him down and told him I was sorry to see him go and wished him the best of luck .

  12. 华尔街有句新格言:“飞得越高,降落伞就越大”,也许你对这句话感到愤愤不平,不过两位美国最顶级银行家的去职的确是个好消息。

    However churlish you may feel about Wall Street 's new axiom " the higher they fly , the bigger the parachute " the departure of two of America 's most senior bankers in a week is a good sign .

  13. 程颢在河南与弟弟联手,形成了一个学派,拥有很多弟子追随。程颐通过科考之后,做了短期的皇帝教师(1069~1070),但是他严厉的道德观念很快就使他周围的很多人疏远了他,于是程颐辞去职务。

    He joined his brother in Henan , and a circle of disciples gathered around them . After Cheng Yi passed his civil service examinations , he served briefly as Imperial tutor ( 1069 ~ 70 ) , but his stern conception of morality soon alienated many of those around him and he resigned .