- Dismissal;no longer hold the post

[no longer hold the post] 离开职务;不再担任原来的职务
Among the bank 's recent hires are Simon Yuan , who quit Merrill Lynch to co-head its greater China financial institutions coverage .
Linda : We 're going to have to let Helen go .
When Yeltsin stepped down that December , Putin became the acting president .
Many Saudi-watchers have been forced into embarrassing recantations after predicting the oil minister 's demise .
Mr davidowitz thinks Mr Pressler will have to go because he has lost all credibility .
My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business .
If you take some time to get ready , before you quit your job , you will be set for a smooth transition .
The boycott is related to violence said to be tied to President Gbagbo , who is under international pressure to step down after losing elections in November .
Olmert 's departure is seen by many here as an opportunity to move ahead with U.S. - mediated negotiations with the Palestinians , which have been stalled over longstanding issues .
Pray for former official Li Changping , who was forced out of his job in Hubei for writing a report to the Premier exposing the desperate plight of poor farmers .
Feeling slightly uneasy at the hypocrisy that comes so easily to me , I hunted him down and told him I was sorry to see him go and wished him the best of luck .
However churlish you may feel about Wall Street 's new axiom " the higher they fly , the bigger the parachute " the departure of two of America 's most senior bankers in a week is a good sign .
He joined his brother in Henan , and a circle of disciples gathered around them . After Cheng Yi passed his civil service examinations , he served briefly as Imperial tutor ( 1069 ~ 70 ) , but his stern conception of morality soon alienated many of those around him and he resigned .