
dào xǐ
  • to congratulate;congratulate sb. on a happy occasion
道喜 [dào xǐ]
  • [congratulate sb. on a happy occasion] 对别人的喜庆事表示祝贺

道喜[dào xǐ]
  1. 我向你道喜,亲爱的外甥女。

    I give you joy , my dear niece .

  2. “好福气,我给你道喜,你还怪我没有良心?”

    " I congratulate you on your good fortune-does that make me heartless ?"

  3. 我知道你要预备来向我道喜了。

    I knew you would be wishing me joy .

  4. 他知道这不能公开,但他想亲自向你道喜。

    He understands it can 't be public but he wants to congratulate you in person .

  5. 我热切地握住他的手向他道喜,心里却想着朵拉。

    I was thinking of Dora as I shook hands with him and congratulated him enthusiastically .

  6. 向你道喜,并致以良好的祝愿,祝你在任贵公司总经理期间继续取得更大的成功。

    May I extend my congratulations and best wishes for your continued success as president of your company .

  7. 你姐姐告诉我一个好消息,因此我在这儿诚心的跟你道喜。

    Your sister informed me of an interesting event , upon which I beg to offer my most sincere congratulations .

  8. 留言中写到:“温网2029至2040年女子比赛的冠军将是费德勒家的女孩子们,先向新爸爸新妈妈道喜!”

    It read : " Wimbledon women 's champs in2029-2040 * . the Federer girls : congrats to the new parents !"

  9. 凯瑟琳本想向他道喜,可是不知说啥是好,满肚子的话全含在眼神里。

    Catherine wished to congratulate him , but knew not what to say , and her eloquence was only in her eyes .

  10. 伊丽莎白连忙向她道喜,真诚热烈,欢欣异常,实在非笔墨所能形容。

    Elizabeth ' ; s congratulations were given with a sincerity , a warmth , a delight , which words could but poorly express .

  11. 安德烈被他的朋友包围了起来,在一片道喜和赞美声中,他开始相信他的梦想已变成现实,简直飘飘然了。

    Andrea , surrounded by his friends , complimented , flattered , beginning to believe in the reality of his dream , was almost bewildered .

  12. 我热切地握住他的手向他道喜,心里却想着朵拉。你们很快要结婚?我问道。

    I was thinking of Dora as I shook hands with him and congratulated him enthusiastically . ' Will you get married soon ?' I asked .