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zàng mái
  • bury;inter
葬埋 [zàng mái]
  • [bury] 埋葬

  • 葬埋甚厚

葬埋[zàng mái]
  1. 以色列众人必为他哀哭,将他葬埋。

    All Israel will mourn for him and bury him .

  2. 看哪,他们逃避灾难,埃及人必收殓他们的尸首,摩弗人必葬埋他们的骸骨。

    Even if they escape from destruction , Egypt will gather them , and Memphis will bury them .

  3. 他两个儿子以扫,雅各把他葬埋了。

    And his sons Esau and Jacob buried him .

  4. 有人告诉大卫说,葬埋扫罗的是基列雅比人。

    And they told David , saying , That the men of Jabeshgilead were they that buried Saul .

  5. 犹大人来到希伯仑,在那里膏大卫作犹大家的王。有人告诉大卫说:「葬埋扫罗的是基列雅比人。」

    And the men of Judah came , and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah .

  6. 那地方便叫作基博罗哈他瓦(是贪欲之人的坟墓)因为他们在那里葬埋那起贪欲之心的人。

    And he called the name of that place Kibrothhattaavah : because there they buried the people that lusted .

  7. 法老说:“你可以上去,照着你父亲叫你起的誓,将他葬埋。”

    Pharaoh said , " go up and bury your father , as he made you swear to do . "

  8. 在耶路撒冷周围流他们的血如水,无人葬埋。

    They have poured out blood like water all around Jerusalem , and there is no one to bury the dead .

  9. 耶洗别必在耶斯列田里被狗所吃,无人葬埋。

    And the dogs shall eat Jezebel in the portion of Jezreel , and there shall be none to bury her .

  10. 以色列众人将他葬埋,为他哀哭,正如耶和华借他仆人先知亚希雅所说的话。

    They buried him , and all Israel mourned for him , as the Lord had said through his servant the prophet Ahijah .

  11. 听他们说预言的百姓必因饥荒刀剑抛在耶路撒冷的街道上,无人葬埋。

    And the people they are prophesying to will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and sword .

  12. 那时,埃及人正葬埋他们的长子,就是耶和华在他们中间所击杀的,耶和华也败坏他们的神。

    Who were burying all their firstborn , whom the Lord had struck down among them ; for the Lord had brought judgment on their gods .

  13. 9:35他们就去葬埋她,只寻得她的头骨和脚,并手掌。

    And they went to bury her : but they found no more of her than the skull , and the feet , and the palms of her hands .

  14. 耶户进去,吃了喝了,吩咐说,你们把这被咒诅的妇人葬埋了,因为她是王的女儿。

    Jehu went in and ate and drank . 'Take care of that cursed woman , 'he said , 'and bury her , for she was a king 's daughter . '

  15. 先前大卫攻击以东,元帅约押上去葬埋阵亡的人,将以东的男丁都杀了。

    Earlier when David was fighting with Edom , Joab the commander of the army , who had gone up to bury the dead , had struck down all the men in Edom .

  16. 弟兄们,先祖大卫的事,我可以明明的对你们说,他死了,也葬埋了,并且他的坟墓,直到今日还在我们这里。

    Men and brethren , let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David , that he is both dead and buried , and his sepulchre is with us unto this day .

  17. 老先知就把神人的尸身驮在驴上,带回自己的城里,要哀哭他,葬埋他。

    So the prophet picked up the body of the man of God , laid it on the donkey , and brought it back to his own city to mourn for him and bury him .

  18. 巡查遍地的人要经过全地,见有人的骸骨,就在旁边立一标记,等葬埋的人来将骸骨葬在哈们歌革谷。

    And the passengers that pass through the land , when any seeth a man 's bone , then shall he set up a sign by it , till the buriers have buried it in the valley of Hamongog .

  19. 耶洗别必在耶斯列田里被狗所吃,无人葬埋。说完了,少年人就开门逃跑了。

    And Jezebel will become food for the dogs in the heritage of jezreel , and there will be no one to put her body into the earth . then , opening the door , he went in flight .

  20. 大卫就差人去见基列雅比人,对他们说,你们厚待你们的主扫罗,将他葬埋。愿耶和华赐福与你们。

    And David sent messengers unto the men of Jabeshgilead , and said unto them , Blessed be ye of the LORD , that ye have shewed this kindness unto your lord , even unto Saul , and have buried him .

  21. 连大带小、都必在这地死亡、不得葬埋.人必不为他们哀哭、不用刀划身、也不使头光秃。

    For thus saith the LORD , Enter not into the house of mourning , neither go to lament nor bemoan them : for I have taken away my peace from this people , saith the LORD , even lovingkindness and mercies .

  22. 看哪,他们逃避灾难,埃及人必收殓他们的尸首,摩弗人必葬埋他们的骸骨。他们用银子做的美物上必长蒺藜,他们的帐棚中必生荆棘。

    For see , they are going away into assyria ; egypt will get them together , Memphis will be their last resting-place ; their fair silver vessels will be covered over with field plants , and thorns will come up in their tents .