
  • 网络Equipment inspection;the spot checking of equipment
  1. 用QC方法指导设备点检

    Using QC method to direct equipment management

  2. 设备点检管理制度是全员、全过程(TPM)对设备进行动态管理的一种管理方法。

    Equipment spot inspection management is a kind of dynamic management on equipments , a way to carry out the total productive maintenance ( TPM ) .

  3. 火电厂设备点检制管理系统的开发及应用

    Development and Application of Equipment Spot-inspection Administrative System in Power Plant

  4. 设备点检维修制的效果及其适用性分析

    Analysis on the Effect and suitability of the Inspection Maintenance System

  5. 基于网络的电站设备点检管理系统的研究与开发

    Development of Spot Checking Management System for Power Plant

  6. 设备点检中需测量的重要参数

    Important parameters required in point inspection of equipment

  7. 电力设备点检机的设计

    Design of Electric Power Equipment Check Point Machine

  8. 设备点检是一个覆盖面广、综合性强的领域。

    Equipment check point is a field that is in board knowledge and used widely .

  9. 钢铁企业设备点检定修制

    Scheduled maintenance system for metallurgical enterprises

  10. 设备点检定修制在国华准电公司的应用

    Application of System about Overhaul after Inspection Site by Site to Guohua Zhunge ′ er Power Plant

  11. 相对于冶金行业而言,设备点检管理在企业中占有极其重要的地位。

    Relative to the metallurgical industry , equipment inspection management plays a very important role in enterprises .

  12. 而在设备点检管理中,系统化的现代信息化点检体系是企业设备开展有效维修活动的有力支持。

    That systematic modern information inspection system has given strong support to enterprise equipment repair in equipment management .

  13. 设备点检管理系统可以方便设备点检工作,实现资源共享,提高点检的效率和准确性。

    The system is easy for equipment spot-inspection , sharing resource , and improve efficiency and veracity of spot-inspection .

  14. 此外,还通过对M发电厂设备点检信息管理系统的应用研究,得知该系统具有广泛的适用性。

    It also researches the equipment inspection management system of M power plant to know the system can be used widely .

  15. 该点检仪设计合理、操作简单、功能完善,能有效的提高电站设备点检管理的质量。

    With the reasonable design , easy operation and perfect function , it can effectively improve the quality of spot checking management .

  16. 应用“小神探”巡(点)检管理系统有效实施发供电设备点检定修管理

    Application of Patrol Inspection Management System " Little Supernatural Scout " to Implement Point Inspection Based Maintenance Management of Power Generation and Power Supply Equipment Efficiently

  17. 莱钢锻压厂推行全员参加的设备点检制和定修制

    Pushing Regular Point Check System and Periodic Maintenance System of Equipment Joined by All Staff and Workers in Forge Plant of Laiwu Iron and Steel Group

  18. 提出了以设备点检为中心制定维修计划、跟踪设备运行状态的解决方案,及时处理生产设备中存在的隐患,对设备进行事前维修。

    Based on routine maintenance , making maintenance plan and tracking equipment run state are put forward , which can dispose hidden trouble in time and maintain beforehand .

  19. 信息化是如何提高设备点检制水平,使其达到国际标准,是现代企业追求的目标之一,只有进行信息化才是有效途径。

    Informatization is that how to improve the level of equipment check system to make it reach the international standard , and also reach a modern enterprise goal .

  20. 通过建立基于状态监测的设备点检管理系统,设备管理人员可以就通过网络方便的查看设备的运行状态,并可以根据当前设备的实时状态信来制定和修改点检计划。

    By setting up equipment spot-inspection management system based on state-monitoring , equipment manager can check the state information through internet , establish and amend the spot-inspection plan according the state information and the result of spot-inspection .

  21. 其次,研究了设备点检管理系统与信息化的关系,并讨论了利用信息化来制定和修改点检计划的方法,而且对该厂的点检仪系统进行了应用研究。

    Secondly , it studied the relationship between equipment inspection management system and information , and it discussed how to use information technology to make and modify plan method , besides research the system of equipment of spot .

  22. 设备点检管理系统是设备管理中的一部分,它把工业企业手工管理设备的工作,通过数据库技术编制程序后,利用计算机来处理各项点检管理工作的一个企业管理软件。

    Spot-inspection management is one part of equipment management . It 's an enterprise management software which program the manual managing work of industrial enterprise 's equipment by database technology to deal with every spot-inspection managing work by computer .

  23. 本文在充分研究我国电站设备点检制度的基础上,提出了采用现代先进信息化理论,同时与传统点检制度进行了对比。

    In this paper , based on the study of power plant equipment point of censorship in China , it gave the propose of using modern advanced information theory , and compared it with the traditional point of inspection systems .

  24. 设备点检管理系统的建设是企业设备点检管理工作的新方式,是保证产品质量、延长设备使用寿命的技术保证,同时也是深化企业管理工作、提高企业管理水平的重要措施。

    The system of Spot-inspection management is a new way to manage the spot-inspection work , a technological guarantee to ensure the quality of product and prolong the longevity of equipment , and an important step to improve the level of management .

  25. 设备状态点检信息网络化管理技术研究

    Research on networked management techniques of equipment condition in route information

  26. 烟台港设备管理点检制可行性的研究

    Researches on the Feasibility of the Daily Inspection System for the Equipment in Yantai Harbour

  27. 搞好连铸设备的点检定修保证全连铸稳产高产

    To guarantee full CC producing with high and stable production by point examine and regular overhaul of CC machines

  28. 履行对动力设备进行点检,填写运行记录,掌握系统设备运行状况,发现问题及时汇报,保证各设备处于优良的技术状态。

    To check the utility equipment running status , fill out the running records , report finding in time and keep the equipment in good work condition .

  29. 铜矿设备管理与点检维修制的研究

    The Research on Copper Ore Plants Management and Maintenance System With key Points Checking

  30. 阐述现代化大型设备实施精密点检的重要性。

    The importance of precision time-check for modern large equipment is also expatiated in this paper .