
kuì bài
  • be defeated;be routed;rout;be utterly defeated (routed)
溃败 [kuì bài]
  • [be utterly defeated (routed)] 军队被打垮

溃败[kuì bài]
  1. 这支军队的溃败使这个地区出现了军事真空。

    The collapse of the army left a vacuum in the area

  2. 土耳其溃败之后,亚历山大勒塔在1918年被法国人占领。

    Alexandretta had been occupied by the French in 1918 after the defeat of Turkey .

  3. 军官们仍不愿发兵乘胜追击溃败的敌人。

    The officers were still reluctant to unleash their troops in pursuit of a defeated enemy .

  4. 溃败的士兵只得撤出战斗。

    The defeated soldiers had to retreat from the battle .

  5. 切尔西中场兰帕德见证了英格兰上个月在萨格勒布的溃败后,球队没落到第E小组的第三位。

    Chelsea midfielder Lampard has seen England drop to third in Group E behind Russia and Croatia after last month 's dismal defeat in Zagreb .

  6. 可是溃败fiasco是一场有神话色彩的灾难。

    But a fiasco ... A fiasco is a disaster of mythic proportions .

  7. 1994年,面对中期选举溃败的比尔克林顿(billclinton),拿不出任何与之相比的政绩可如今克林顿成了美国遥遥领先的民望最高的政客。

    Facing his own midterm debacle in 1994 , Bill Clinton , ( now by a long way , the most popular politician in America ) , had nothing remotely comparable to run on .

  8. FPC电缆结束到哪一个万用串列总线联编者董事会附上进入电池安装区之内被溃败而且在电池上面坐。

    The FPC cable end to which the USB connector board attaches is routed into the battery compartment and sits above the battery .

  9. 美国原本以为,塔利班的溃败和萨达姆侯赛因(saddamhussein)的垮台可以突显自己的实力,但这类震慑行动反而体现出了美国的衰落。

    Defeat of the Taliban and the toppling of Saddam Hussein were supposed to underscore us power . Shock and awe became instead emblems of its weakness .

  10. 算上他们在NBA总决赛对迈阿密的溃败,小牛遭遇了一次八连败,对他们是否能走出6月阴影的怀疑声骤起。

    In combination with their collapse against Miami in the NBA Finals , the Mavs were suffering an eight-game losing streak that raised doubts about whether they could recover from their June hangover .

  11. 矿业集团力拓(riotinto)的一位高管上周表示,铝需求正在放缓,但并未全线溃败,亚洲需求依然强劲,而欧洲受影响最大。

    An executive of Rio Tinto , the mining group , said last week that aluminium demand was slowing but not collapsing , with Asia still robust and Europe the most affected region .

  12. 距离球迷上次见到身披NBA球衣的十届全明星安东尼已有12个月,当时那场比赛他11投1中,6记三分全失,溃败于雷霆队。

    The last time fans saw the 10-time All-Star in an NBA jersey was 12 months ago , when he missed 10 of 11 shots and all six three-point attempts in a blowout loss to the Thunder .

  13. 站上距离顶层不远的天台媒体开放区,你还能看到海岸线旁若干尚未开发的小岛,它们是迪拜世界(DubaiWorld)瑰丽蓝图的一部分,而今则成了迪拜地产市场溃败的象征。

    At the media opening of the skydeck close to the top of the world 's tallest skyscraper Monday , you could also just make out the undeveloped islands that make up the offshore Dubai World project that is synonymous with the sheikdom 's collapsing real estate industry .

  14. 如今,德国新选项党在该国16个州议会中的3个拥有席位,在欧洲议会也拥有席位。该党的成功,是导致自由派的德国自民党(FDP)在选举中溃败的因素之一。

    AfD 's success - it now holds seats in three of Germany 's 16 state assemblies as well as the European Parliament - is one factor behind the electoral collapse of the liberal Free Democrats .

  15. 然而,石油巨擘疏散员工的举动表明,Isis的快速军事推进以及伊拉克军队在摩苏尔等地的溃败,已开始改变在伊拉克南部开展业务的西方石油公司的计划。

    However , the evacuations show how Isis 's rapid military advance and the collapse of the Iraqi army in places like Mosul have started to change the calculus for western oil companies active in the south .

  16. 当战争进入最后的大溃败时期,这些个RRG音乐会录音被保存在了磁带上,用以继续鼓舞那些在无可逆转的失败中战斗的帝国民众的士气。

    As the War intensified in later years , these RRG concerts , recorded on Magnetophon tape , helped sustain public morale as the Reich drew nearer to its inevitable defeat .

  17. 这一溃败无疑具有政治象征意义。

    There is no doubting the political symbolism of this crushing defeat .

  18. 滑铁卢的溃败暗示拿破仑政权的结束。

    The debacle at Waterloo signaled the end of Napoleon 's power .

  19. 德国的溃败势必要拖垮日本。

    Germany 's defeat was bound to drag down Japan .

  20. 就会像一堆纸牌一样崩塌溃败。

    It all comes tumbling down like pack of cards .

  21. 抵挡欧洲内部跨境并购的努力不断溃败。

    Resistance to cross-border mergers within Europe is crumbling .

  22. 游击队从后方袭击敌人,打得敌人溃败而逃。

    The guerrillas fell on the enemy from the rear and routed them .

  23. 你现在受召,必须面对你如排山倒海的溃败

    And summoned now to deal with your invincible defeat

  24. 这就叫做溃败。毫无疑问。

    So that 's calleda defeat . there 's no doubt about it .

  25. 这是一场溃败,你广播的新闻都是可耻的谎言。

    It 's an utter rout , and your broadcasts are criminal lies .

  26. 围城之急解除了,令狐潮的军队溃败逃离。

    The siege was lifted and general Linghu 's army fled the field .

  27. 在战争的头几个小时中,整师就彻底溃败了。

    An entire division was routed during the first hours of the war .

  28. 最终,在经受了多年不必要的折磨之后,他们的政策还是全面溃败。

    Ultimately , after years of needless suffering , their policy collapsed around them .

  29. 溃败的敌军退到海滩,在那里绝望地团团乱转。

    The routed enemy retreated to the beach , where they milled about in desperation .

  30. 他们为什么具有个人勇气,组织军队却集体溃败?

    Why are they so individually valiant , yet so collectively unsuccessful as an army ?