
kuì yáng bìng
  • ulcer;canker
溃疡病[kuì yáng bìng]
  1. tomato。其在果实上的初期症状与番茄细菌溃疡病相似。

    The initial symptom caused by the pathogen on tomato fruits was similar to that of tomato bacterial canker lesions .

  2. 树皮结构与山核桃溃疡病抗性关系的研究

    Relationship between Bark Structure and Anti - canker of Hickory

  3. 利用FUZZY模型综合评判柑桔溃疡病始见期

    A synthetic assessment of beginning occurrence stage of citrus canker with fuzzy model

  4. 溃疡病患者胃窦粘膜5-HT细胞和G细胞的变化

    Changes of 5-HT and gastrin cells in human antral mucosa during peptic ulcer

  5. 奥硝唑三联疗法治疗Hp相关溃疡病的临床研究

    Clinical study for ornidazole with triple therapy in helicobacter pylori related peptic ulcer

  6. AR模型在柑桔溃疡病测报中的应用

    Application of AR model in forecast of citrus canker

  7. 新型杀菌剂CC防治柑桔溃疡病的效果

    Control Effect of a New Germicide CC on Citrus Canker Disease

  8. HLA与十二指肠溃疡病相关的研究

    Research on the relation between duodenal ulcer and HLA

  9. 消化性溃疡病患者胃窦粘膜幽门腺5-HT细胞和G细胞免疫组织化学研究

    Immunohistochemical studies on 5 - HT and gastrin cells in human antral mucosa during peptic ulcer

  10. 猕猴桃细菌溃疡病(Actinidiabacterialcanker)病原细菌鉴定

    Identification of the pathogenic bacterium for bacterial canker on Actinidia in Sichuan

  11. 结论:胃窦粘膜5-HT细胞和G细胞可能参与了消化性溃疡病的内分泌调节。

    Conclusion : It is suggested that 5-HT cells and G cells may participate in the endocrine regulation during peptic ulcer .

  12. GI检查配合血清Hp抗体测定可做为小儿溃疡病、上消化道炎症及其是否Hp感染诊断的有效辅助手段。

    Conclusio GI combined with detecting of serum anti-Hp antibodies would be helpful in diagnose of children with upper gastrointestinal disorder .

  13. 【结论】经内镜球囊扩张结合根除HP是治疗溃疡病幽门梗阻安全、有效的方法。

    [ Conclusion ] Endoscopic balloon dilatation combined with Helicobacter pylori eradication for treatment of ulcer-induced pyloric stenosis is an effective and safe method .

  14. 结论:以洛赛克为核心的三联1周疗法,具有疗程短,疗效高,副作用少等优点,是当前较为理想的根除Hp治疗方案。Hp根除可有效地防止溃疡病的发生与复发。

    Conclusion : 1 week triple therapy with omeprazole is an effective regime to Hp eradication and can prevent recurrence of duodenal ulcer effectively .

  15. 结论CagA与溃疡病密切相关。

    Conclusions The CagA of Hp and the ulcerous diseases have the close affinity .

  16. 经腹腔镜用ZT胶粘补溃疡病穿孔的临床研究

    The clinical study of treating ulcerous perforation with the ZT medical glue under laparoscopy

  17. 在消化性溃疡病的治疗中,H2受体拮抗剂和H+K+ATP酶抑制剂的疗效已被大家公认。

    The H2 receptor antagonist and H + - K + - ATP inhibitor might have good curative effect in treatment of peptic ulcer .

  18. 诱导疫霉菌产生游动孢子囊液体培养基的研制条溃疡病是几种疫霉菌(Phytophthoraspp.)

    On new liquid media for inducing sporangia of Phytophthora spp . Black stripe is a major disease caused by Phytophthora spp .

  19. 柑橘溃疡病(citruscanker)是影响世界柑橘生产的重要的检疫性病害,对柑橘产业造成了重大的影响。

    Citrus Canker is an important quarantine disease which influences citrus production of the world , and has a significant impact on the citrus industry .

  20. 目的:探讨经腹腔镜用ZT胶粘补溃疡病穿孔的临床价值。

    Objective : To probe the clinical value of treating ulcerous perforation with the ZT medical glue under laparoscopy .

  21. 结论:经腹腔镜用ZT胶粘补术治疗溃疡病穿孔具有与开腹穿孔修补术同样的疗效;

    Conclusions : Treating ulcerous perforation with the ZT medical glue is as effective as operation of perforation repair .

  22. 但加服H2受体阻滞剂或质子泵抑制剂等抑酸制剂并不能预防或减少溃疡病复发和上消化道出血。

    However , H2 blocker or add services proton pump inhibitors and other acid-suppressing agents can not prevent or reduce the recurrence of ulcer disease and upper gastrointestinal blood .

  23. 目的探讨非甾体类药物(NSAID)致消化道溃疡病及急性胃肠粘膜病变的内镜特点及影响因素。

    Objective To present the endoscopic character of the gastrointestinal ulcer and acute mucosal disease by NSAID and their affection .

  24. 目的:探讨非特异性十二指肠炎(NSD)的病变程度、分级方法及其与十二指肠溃疡病间的关系。

    Objective : To investigate extent of lesion , grading criteria of nonspecific duodenitis ( NSD ) and their association with duodenal ulceration .

  25. 养殖刺参(Apostichopusjaponicus)溃疡病病原菌致病性研究副猪嗜血杆菌培养特性及致病性研究

    Pathogenicity Research of the Pathogen Associated with Ulceration in Cultured Sea Cucumber ( Apostichopus Japonicus ); A Study on Cultural Characteristics and Pathogenicity of Haemophilus parasuis

  26. 结果发现CP在慢性胃炎,溃疡病病人的检出率明显高于正常人(P<0.01),其检出率与炎症的程度及活动度成正比。

    The results showed that the detecting rate of campylobacter pyloridis was much higher in chronic gastritis and ulcers than that in normal ( P < 0.01 ), which had a positive relation to the grade and activity of gastritis .

  27. 目的观察根除幽门螺杆菌治疗对高原地区幽门螺杆菌相关性溃疡病患者血清IL-1β、IL-2、IL-4、IL-6、IL-8和TNF水平的影响,以探讨其在溃疡病发病中的可能致病机理。

    Objective To observe the effect of Hp eradication therapy on serum IL-1 β, IL-2 , IL-4 , IL-6 , IL-8 , TNF in patients with Hp-associated ulcers , and to explore possible pathogenesis that Hp causes peptic ulcer disease .

  28. 本文研究了海水养殖鲈鱼皮肤溃疡病病原菌&哈氏弧菌(Vibrioharveyi)对24种化学疗剂及15种中草药的敏感性。

    The susceptibility of the pathogenic bacteria ( Vibrio harveyi ) of skin ulcer disease in marine cage cultured sea perch to twenty four chemotherapeutants and fifteen Chinese herbal medicines was studied .

  29. 杨树溃疡病、苹果轮纹病等病原菌的ITS-rDNA-RFLP解析

    ITS-rDNA-RFLP analysis of poplar canker , apple ring rot pathogens and other related pathogens

  30. 结果:281例患者,中年组的IDA主要表现为轻中度贫血,内镜检出其主要来源于上消化道疾病(82138):溃疡病和胃炎等;

    Result : Among 281 cases , the major symptoms of IDA in 138 cases of the middle patients were mild and moderate anemia , endoscopic examinations revealed upper gastrointestinal diseases ( 82 / 138 ): ulcer and gastritis ;