
  1. 谁掌握了他的理论,谁就能成为更有效、更有道德感召力的管理者。

    Anyone who grasps them can become a more effective and ethical manager .

  2. 如果从文艺社会学和人类心理学的角度重新给以审视,则可以看到,合作化带头人作为新时代的卡里斯马,由于缺乏强悍的个性,造成其神圣性和原创性的匮乏,其道德感召力也令人怀疑。

    If observing from the angle of literary sociology , we can see that leaders of the cooperative , as Charisma of the new age , are short of holiness and originality because of their strong characters , and their power of moral calling is in doubt .