
qù zhì zǐ huà
  • deprotonation
  1. 去质子化的对巯基苯甲酸能够与金属离子发生相互作用,如铜离子或镉离子,在水溶液中形成表面配合物。

    Deprotonation of MBA can interact with the metal ions , such as Cu2 + and Cd2 + , in aqueous solution to form surface complexes .

  2. 在碱性环境中pH升高到10之后,蛋白构象的改变引起色基构象发生一定程度的变化,在此过程中可能还涉及色基的去质子化过程。

    In basic solution with pH higher than 10 , there were conformational changes as well as deprotonation process of the chromophore .

  3. P0和P1在碱性滴定中,可能经历了去质子化并由胶束内层至表面的转移;

    The porphyrins undergo the deprotonation of the pyrrole in the basic titration process , and transfer from the inner part to the surface layer .

  4. 结果表明,配体Hpb(1)在配合物中存在两种状态:中性和去质子化。

    The result shows , that ligand Hpb ( 1 ) presents two states in complexes : neutral and deprotonation .

  5. 在酸性溶液中,PPy发生质子酸掺杂,膜的导电性增强;在碱性溶液中发生去质子化脱掺杂,甚至发生过氧化,膜导电性变差。

    In acidic solution , proton-acid doping occurs and film conductivity increases . While in alkaline solution , PPy films are de-protonated and confronted over-oxidization thereby becoming less conductivity .

  6. 本章通过高精度的密度泛函理论计算揭示气相组氨酸的质子化和去质子化过程。

    We reveal the protonation and deprotonation processes of gaseous histidine molecule using the DFT calculations .