
  • 网络Despeckle
  1. 改进的基于结构检测的SAR图像去斑方法

    An Improved Method of Speckle Filtering in SAR Image Based on Structure Detection

  2. 研制出的DSP去斑系统实现了实时去斑功能。

    A real-time speckle removing function is performed by using the developed DSP speckle reduction system .

  3. 基于自相关函数建模的小波域SAR图像去斑方法

    Speckle Reduction of SAR Image Based on Modeling of Autocorrelation Function of Wavelet Coefficients

  4. 提出了一个新的有效的基于小波变换的SAR图像去斑方法。

    We propose a new and efficient speckle filtering algorithm in the wavelet domain for SAR images .

  5. 提出了一种基于改进相关邻域模型的SAR图像RCS重构滤波器,特别对高分辨率的SAR图像具有很好的去斑效果。

    A RCS reconstruction filter of high resolution SAR image based on a modified correlated neighborhood model is presented in this paper .

  6. 将该方法用于SAR图像相干斑噪声抑制,并与Lee滤波器的去斑效果进行了比较。

    Experiments are made on SAR images by using the method , and the results are compared with those of the Lee filter .

  7. 回顾了SAR图像相干斑抑制方法的研究进展,重点对基于小波统计模型的SAR图像去斑方法进行了研究,提出了一种基于BayesianMAP估计的小波域局部自适应性去斑算法。

    The approaches of SAR image speckle suppression , particularly those based on wavelet statistical model , are investigated firstly . A novel locally adaptive speckle filtering is proposed based on Bayesian MAP estimation in wavelet domain .

  8. 基于神经网络的红外图像实时去斑方法

    A real-time IR image speckle reducing algorithm based on neural network

  9. 红外图像去斑算法及其实时实现

    IR Image Speckle Reduction Algorithm and Its Real-Time Realization

  10. 在红,绿,蓝三个通道中运用去斑滤镜。

    Run despeckle filter once on each colour channel ( red , green blue )

  11. 本品具有调节血脂,去斑美白,减肥的保健作用。

    This product has the lipid , promoted whitening , reduce weight of the health care function .

  12. 目的:研制一种植物来源的去斑成分&内皮素拮抗剂凝胶制剂治疗黄褐斑。

    AIM The dermatosis of pigmentation was treated with the gel prepared by endothelin antagonist from the plant .

  13. 为了更好的研究去斑算法,我们利用计算机模型仿真二维斑点噪声。

    In order to better study in the speckle reduction algorithm , we use computer model to simulate two-dimensional speckle noise .

  14. 去斑后,采用基于阈值的直方图规定化方法,以弥补对比度可能降低情况。

    After speckle reducing , a histogram defined method based on the threshold is employed to compensate for possible contrast reduction .